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Words for .NET

Create or manipulate Microsoft Word documents from your .NET applications, without requiring Word or Office to be installed. Convert Word documents to PDF (not all Word elements are supported).

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Create or manipulate Microsoft Word documents from your .NET applications, without requiring Word or Office to be installed. Convert Word documents to PDF (not all Word elements are supported; use the trial period to validate all required elements do get converted). Fast and lightweight. Widely used and backed by a responsive support and development team whose sole ambition is your complete satisfaction.

  • Full featured. Latest releases add PDF capabilities.
  • Supports .docx documents from Word 2007 and up
  • Over 250,000 downloads
  • Supports .NET 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Makes creating and manipulating Word files a simple task. Written in pure .NET and does not require Microsoft Office or Word to be installed.

Complete control

With its easy to use API, Xceed Words for .NET lets your application create new Microsoft Word .docx or PDF documents, or modify existing .docx documents. It gives you complete control over all content in a Word document, and lets you add or remove all commonly used element types, such as paragraphs, bulleted or numbered lists, images, tables, charts, headers and footers, sections, bookmarks, and more. Create PDF documents using the same API for creating Word documents.

You also get complete control over the document’s properties, including margins, page size, line spacing, page numbering, text direction and alignment, indentation, and more.

You can also quickly and easily set or modify any text’s formatting, fonts and font sizes, colors, boldness, underline, italics, strikethrough, highlighting, and more.

Search and replace text, add or remove password protection, join documents, copy documents, or apply templates – everything your application may need to do. It even supports modifying many Word files in parallel for greater speed.


It’s also a great reporting tool

Xceed Words for .NET lets you create company reports that you first design with the familiar and rich editing capabilities of Microsoft Word instead of with a reporting tool’s custom editor. Use the designed document as a template that you programmatically customize before sending each report out.

You can also use Xceed Words for .NET to programmatically create invoices, add data to documents, perform mail merge functionality, and more.

Widely used

Based on our popular CodePlex project, known as DocX, it has benefited from 7 years of widespread use and has been downloaded over 250,000 times there and on NuGet. The large user base has resulted in abundant comments, requests and bug reports which are used to improve the library.

  • Object-oriented design created specifically for the .NET framework.
  • Supports .NET Framework 4.0 and up, .NET 5.0 and up, ASP.NET 4.0 and up, Visual Studio 2010 and up.
  • Supports VB.NET, C#, and Managed C++.
  • 100% managed code, written in C#.
  • Source code included with the Blueprint subscription.
  • Error handling exclusively through .NET exception classes.
  • Objects don’t need to be explicitly disposed of.
  • CLS compliant (Common Language Specification) with no unsafe blocks, for minimal permission requirements.
  • Documentation integrated into Visual Studio.
  • Includes a commented sample application that demonstrates every function by creating or modifying Word document files.
  • The .NET 4.X build is compiled using .NET’s Client Profile.
  • Create new Word documents from scratch or modify existing ones.
  • Create new PDF documents from scratch.
  • Convert Word documents to PDF (see below for a list of Word elements not supported).
  • Supports Word documents saved in the .DOCX format (Word 2007 and up).
  • Ability to modify multiple documents in parallel for greater performance.
  • Ability to apply a template to a Word document, which can include styles, headers, footers, properties, text content, and more.
  • Join documents, recreate portions from one to another.
  • Supports document protection with or without password.
  • Set document margins and page size.
  • Set line spacing, indentation, text direction, text alignment (justified, centered, right/left, etc.).
  • Manage fonts and font sizes.
  • Set text color, bold, underline, italic, strikethrough, highlighting.
  • Set page numbering.
  • Create sections.
  • Main docx elements not presently supported when converting to PDF:
    • Charts
    • Equations
    • Watermarks
    • Paragraphs in columns
    • Objects, Excel tables
    • Shapes / TextBoxes
    • Paragraph direction from right to left
    • Number of words per line may differ
  • Add headers or footers which can be the same on all pages, or unique for the first page, or unique for odd/even pages. Can contain images, hyperlinks and more.
  • Insert/Modify paragraphs.
  • Insert/Modify numbered or bulleted lists.
  • Insert/Modify images. Flip, rotate, copy, modify, resize.
  • Insert/Modify tables. Insert/Remove rows, columns, change direction, column width, row height, borders, merge/delete cells.
  • Insert/Modify formatted equations or formulas.
  • Insert/Modify bookmarks.
  • Insert/Modify hyperlinks.
  • Insert/Modify horizontal lines.
  • Insert/Modify charts (bar, line, pie, 3D chart). Set colors, titles, legend, etc.
  • Find, remove or replace text. Supports case sensitivity and regular expressions.
  • Insert/Modify core or custom properties, such as author, address, subject, title, etc.
  • Insert a Table Of Contents. Set title, change formatting.

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