Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
GlobalStatus event
Xceed Zip control reference > Xceed Zip control events > GlobalStatus event

The GlobalStatus event provides a status report on the group of files currently being processed. It is triggered throughout the execution of the Zip, Unzip or TestZipFile methods.

The GlobalStatus event is triggered for every 32K of uncompressed data that has been processed for the entire group of files being processed. This event provides various statistics related to the group of files being processed.

None of the parameters provided by the GlobalStatus event are modifiable. 

Declaration (event)  
Event GlobalStatus64(lFilesTotal As Long, lFilesProcessed As Long, lFilesSkipped As Long, nFilesPercent As Integer,
lBytesTotalLow As Long, lBytesTotalHigh As Long, lBytesProcessedLow As Long, lBytesProcessedHigh As Long,
lBytesSkippedLow As Long, lBytesSkippedHigh As Long, nBytesPercent As Integer, lBytesOutputLow As Long,
lBytesOutputHigh As Long, nCompressionRatio As Integer)
Event GlobalStatus(lFilesTotal As Long, lFilesProcessed As Long, lFilesSkipped As Long, nFilesPercent As Integer,
lBytesTotal As Long, lBytesProcessed As Long, lBytesSkipped As Long, nBytesPercent As Integer, lBytesOutput As Long,
nCompressionRatio As Integer)
Declaration (DLL API)  
xcdGlobalStatusParams * pParams = ( xcdGlobalStatusParams * ) lParam;


Parameter Description
lFilesTotal  The total number of files to process.
lFilesProcessed  The number of files that have been processed so far.
lFilesSkipped  The number of files that have been skipped so far.
nFilesPercent  The completion percentage (0% to 100%) based on how many files have been processed so far.
lBytesTotal  The total number of bytes to process for the entire group of files.
lBytesTotalHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the total number of bytes to process for the entire groups of files.
lBytesProcessed  The total number of bytes that have been processed so far for the entire group of files.
lBytesProcessedHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the total number of bytes that have been processed so far for the entire group of files.
lBytesSkipped  The total number of bytes that have not been processed due to files that have been skipped.
lBytesSkippedHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing the total number of bytes that have not been processed due to files that have been skipped.
nBytesPercent  The completion percentage (0% to 100%) based on the amount of bytes processed so far.
lBytesOutput  When unzipping, this represents the total number of bytes that have been outputted to the destination unzipping location. This value is undefined when zipping.
lBytesOutPutHigh (64)
The 32 low-order and high-order bits representing, when unzipping, the total number of bytes that have been outputted to the destination unzipping location. This value is undefined when zipping.
nCompressionRatio  When zipping, this is the compression ratio that has been achieved so far for the entire group of files being zipped. When unzipping, this is the compression ratio of the entire group of files being unzipped.


When running the ListZipContents method, only the parameters that deal with files are available. The parameters that deal with bytes are not applicable.

Visual Basic users dealing with files larger than 2GB or large groups of files should convert the lBytesProcessed, lBytesTotal, lBytesSkipped and lBytesOutput parameters to variables of type "Double". See example or use the GlobalStatus64 event.

Applicable methods

Zip, Unzip, TestZipFile

Related topics

To get statistics on individual files, as opposed to the entire group of files being processed, use the FileStatus event.