Xceed Zip Compression Library Documentation
DLL API Exported Functions structure
Direct DLL API > DLL API Exported Functions structure

When you need to call exported functions in a DLL, but cannot link with any library that resolves all these calls, you normally need to call the LoadLibrary function on the DLL and then obtain a pointer to each procedure you want to use with a call to the GetProcAddress function.

But the GetProcAddress can do more than provide you with a pointer to exported functions. It can also retrieve exported global variables. The xceedzip.dll file possesses a specially exported variable, which is a structure made of a pointer to each exported function. This structure's data is set when the DLL is loaded, and is of type XceedZipFunctions. Its exported variable name is g_xzFunctions.

To use the xceedzip.dll API interface without linking with xceedzip.lib, all you need is the following code:

VC++ Copy Code

/* Load the DLL */

HINSTANCE hXceedDll = LoadLibrary ( "XCEEDZIP.DLL" ); 

if ( hXceedDll )
   /* Get a pointer to the functions structure */ 
   XceedZipFunctions* pFuncs = ( XceedZipFunctions * ) GetProcAddress( hXceedDll, "g_xzFunctions" );  

   if ( pFuncs ) 
      /* You are now ready to use the DLL API interface, but you must make your */
      /* calls to the exported functions */
      /* using pointers in this structure. For example: */ 

      HXCEEDZIP hZip = pFuncs->lpfnXzCreateXceedZipA( "???" );  

      if ( hZip ) 
         /* Etc */ 
         pFuncs->lpfnXzDestroyXceedZip( hZip ); 
   /* Free the library */ 
   FreeLibrary( hXceedDll ); 