Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Uncompressing a file with QuickGZip

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Task-Based Help > Tar and GZip capabilities > Reading > Uncompressing a file with QuickGZip

This topic demonstrates how to uncompress a file using the static Ungzip method of the QuickGZip class, specifying several parameters.

QuickGZip is not currently available in Xceed's Compact Framework products.

GZip method

The Ungzip method has a few overloads that can be used to uncompress files. For details on the other overloads, see the reference documentation.


In the following example, we specify several parameters and also use some callbacks.

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.GZip

QuickGZip.Ungzip("d:\test.gz", "d:\", True, New QuickGZip.ByteProgressionCallback( AddressOf Me.OnByteProgression), _
                 New QuickGZip.ItemProgressionCallback(AddressOf Me.OnItemProgression), _
                 Nothing, "*")

Public Sub OnByteProgression(ByVal currentItemName As String, ByVal  currentItemsByteProcessed As Long, _
                             ByVal currentItemTotalBytes As Long, ByVal currentItemPercent As Byte, _
                             ByVal allItemsByteProcessed As Long, ByVal allItemsTotalBytes As Long, _
                             ByVal allItemsPercent As Byte, ByVal userParams As Object) 
   'Do stuff
End Sub

Public Sub OnItemProgression(ByVal currentItemName As String, ByVal itemProcessed As Long, _
                             ByVal totalItemCount As Long, ByVal totalItemPercent As Byte, _
                             ByRef abort As Boolean, ByVal userParams As Object)
   'Do stuff
End Sub

C# Copy Code

using Xceed.GZip;

QuickGZip.Ungzip(@"d:\test.gz", @"d:\", true, new QuickGZip.ByteProgressionCallback(this.OnByteProgression),
                 new QuickGZip.ItemProgressionCallback(this.OnItemProgression), null, "*");

public void OnByteProgression( string currentItemName, long currentItemsByteProcessed,
                               long currentItemTotalBytes, byte currentItemPercent,
                               long allItemsByteProcessed, long allItemsTotalBytes,
                               byte allItemsPercent,  object userParams)

   //Do stuff

public void OnItemProgression( string currentItemName, long itemProcessed,
                               long totalItemCount, byte totalItemPercent,
                               ref bool abort, object userParams)

   //Do stuff


QuickGZip only supports uncompressing a single file from a gzipped file.

Things you should consider

The main questions you should ask yourself when uncompressing an item with Ungzip are:

  • Do you want to do more complex GZip operations? Use the FileSystem-based classes defined within the Xceed.GZip namespace.