Xceed DataGrid for WPF v7.3 Documentation
StatResultConverter Class Members
Properties  Methods 

Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid Assembly > Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Converters Namespace : StatResultConverter Class

The following tables list the members exposed by StatResultConverter.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the StatResultConverter class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the message that is returned by a StatResultConverter when a DivideByZeroException occurs during the calculation of a statistical function's result.  
Public PropertyGets or sets an IFormatProvider that provides culture-specific formatting information. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Converters.StringFormatConverter)
Public PropertyGets or sets the message that is returned by a StatResultConverter when an InvalidValueException occurs during the calculation of a statistical function's result.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the message that is returned by a StatResultConverter when an OverflowException occurs during the calculation of a statistical function's result.  
Public Methods
Public MethodOverridden. Converts the specified value using the composite format string specified as parameter.  
Public MethodThe ConvertBack method is not supported by the StatResultConverter. (Inherited from Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Converters.StringFormatConverter)
See Also


StatResultConverter Class
Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.Converters Namespace