Xceed DataGrid for WPF v7.3 Documentation
Welcome to Xceed DataGrid, Editors, and 3D Views for WPF v7.3 > Xceed DataGrid for WPF > DataGrid Fundamentals > Manipulating Data > Providing, Inserting, and Removing Data > Master/Detail

Prerequisite Knowledge
Object Model Overview: DataGridDetailDescription Class
DataGrid Fundamentals: Detail Configurations

When a grid is in a table-view layout, its data items can display detail data that is usually provided by the detail descriptions defined in the DataGridCollectionView or DataGridCollectionViewSource to which the grid is bound (see Example 1). By default, detail descriptions are automatically created for most detail relation types; however, they can also be explicitly defined by adding them to DetailDescriptions collection of their parent DataGridCollectionViewDataGridCollectionViewSource, or detail description (see Examples 2 and 3).

Every detail description must have a unique, identifying relation name that can be provided through its RelationName property and that will be used by detail configurations to identify which description their configuration will be applied to. If the detail descriptions are automatically created, their relation name will be extracted from the underlying detail source or a default one will be provided. If they are explicitly provided, then their relation name must also be explicitly set.

Automatic creation of detail descriptions can be disabled by setting the AutoCreateDetailDescriptions property of the DataGridCollectionViewSource to false (by default, true) or by specifying so when creating an instance of the DataGridCollectionView.

Each data item in the grid and any resulting details can have one or more sibling details as well as one or more grandchild details.  

Grouping, Sorting, and Filtering

Data items contained in a detail can be grouped using either the default PropertyGroupDescription or the DataGridGroupDescription (recommended) and adding them to the GroupDescriptions property of the corresponding detail description. Data items can also be sorted by adding the standard SortDescription structures to the SortDescriptions property.

The data items that are to be displayed in a detail can be filtered through automatic filtering, which provides Excel-like end-user filtering according to the distinct values of each column (see Filtering Data).

Detail Configurations

The appearance of each detail in a grid or detail is defined by detail configurations that can be automatically created and/or explicitly provided through a grid or detail's DetailConfigurations property. Each detail configuration is identified by its RelationName property, which must correspond to the name of one of the detail descriptions defined in the parent DataGridCollectionView, DataGridCollectionViewSource, or DataGridDetailDescription (see Example 2).

By default, if an explicit detail configuration is not provided, the built-in configuration will be applied to all details; however, a custom default detail configuration that provides a generic subset of properties whose values can be applied to any details in a grid and any descendant details can be provided through a grid or detail's DefaultDetailConfiguration property (see Example 5).

To automatically create detail configurations, a grid or detail's AutoCreateDetailConfigurations property must be set to true (by default, false at the grid level and true for detail configurations).


All examples in this topic assume that the grid is bound to the Employees table of the Northwind database, unless stated otherwise.

Example 1: Binding to a master/detail data table

The following example demonstrates how to bind a grid to a DataTable that contains DataRelations that will be displayed as child and grandchild detail data.

The code below demonstrates how to create a connection to the Access version of the Northwind database and create a property named "Employees" that retrieves its values from the Employees data table and to which a child and grandchild detail are added.

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Shared Sub New()
  Dim dataSet As New DataSet()
  Dim mdbfile As String = "Data\Northwind.mdb"
  Dim connString As String = String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source={0}", mdbfile)
  Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(connString)
  Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Employees;", conn )
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Employees" )
  m_employees = dataSet.Tables( "Employees" )
  m_adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Orders;", conn )
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Orders" )
  m_orders = dataSet.Tables( "Orders" )
  m_adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM [Order Details];", conn )
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Order Details" )
  m_orderDetails = dataSet.Tables( "Order Details" )
  m_employees.ChildRelations.Add( New DataRelation( "Employee_Orders", m_employees.Columns( "EmployeeID" ), m_orders.Columns( "EmployeeID" ) ) )
  m_orders.ChildRelations.Add( New DataRelation( "Order_OrderDetails", m_orders.Columns( "OrderID" ), m_orderDetails.Columns( "OrderID" ) ) )
End Sub
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Employees As DataTable
    Return m_employees
   End Get
End Property
Private Shared m_employees As DataTable
Private Shared m_orders As DataTable
Private Shared m_orderDetails As DataTable
Private Shared m_adapter As OleDbDataAdapter = Nothing
Copy Code
static App()
 DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
 string mdbFile = @"Data\Northwind.mdb";
 string connString = String.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source={0}", mdbFile );
 OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( connString );
 m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
 m_adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Employees;", conn );
 m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Employees" );
 m_employees = dataSet.Tables[ "Employees" ];    
  m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM Orders;", conn );
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Orders" );
  m_orders = dataSet.Tables[ "Orders" ];
  m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
  m_adapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM [Order Details];", conn );
  m_adapter.Fill( dataSet, "Order Details" );
  m_orderDetails = dataSet.Tables[ "Order Details" ];
 m_employees.ChildRelations.Add( new DataRelation( "Employee_Orders", m_employees.Columns[ "EmployeeID" ], m_orders.Columns[ "EmployeeID" ] ) );
 m_orders.ChildRelations.Add( new DataRelation( "Order_OrderDetails", m_orders.Columns[ "OrderID" ], m_orderDetails.Columns[ "OrderID" ] ) );  
public static DataTable Employees
   return m_employees;
private static DataTable m_employees;
private static DataTable m_orders;
private static DataTable m_orderDetails;
private static OleDbDataAdapter m_adapter = null;

The following code demonstrates how to bind the grid to the Employees property and provide a detail configuration for both detail relations to change their title and the item-container style of the first child detail.

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<Grid xmlns:xcdg="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/datagrid"
    <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                       Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
     <xcdg:IndexToOddConverter x:Key="rowIndexConverter" />
     <Style x:Key="alternatingDataRowStyle" TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:DataRow}">
           <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                                  Converter={StaticResource rowIndexConverter}}"
              <Setter Property="Background" Value="AliceBlue"/>                   
 <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
       <xcdg:Column FieldName="Photo"
                    Visible="False" />
       <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                 Title="Employee Orders"
                                 ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource alternatingDataRowStyle}">
             <xcdg:Column FieldName="EmployeeID"
                          Visible="False" />
             <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Order_OrderDetails"
                                       Title="Order Details"/>                   


Example 2: Defining detail descriptions

The following example demonstrates how to explicitly define detail descriptions for the DataRelations found in the DataTable to which the grid is bound and how to calculate statistical functions for a detail description whose results will be displayed in the StatRows contained in the footer sections of the details to which the description's corresponding detail configuration will be applied.

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     <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                        Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
          <xcdg:DataRelationDetailDescription RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                              Title="Employee Orders">
                <xcdg:DataRelationDetailDescription RelationName="Order_OrderDetails"
                                                    Title="Order Details">
                      <xcdg:DataGridItemProperty Name="UnitPrice" />
                      <xcdg:DataGridItemProperty Name="Quantity" />
                      <xcdg:DataGridItemProperty Name="Discount" />
                      <xcdg:SumFunction ResultPropertyName="sum_quantity"
                                        SourcePropertyName="Quantity" />
                      <xcdg:AverageFunction ResultPropertyName="average_unitprice"
                                            SourcePropertyName="UnitPrice" />
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
                      ItemsSourceName="Employee Information"
       <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders">
             <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Order_OrderDetails">
                      <xcdg:StatRow Background="AliceBlue">
                         <xcdg:StatCell FieldName="UnitPrice"
                                        ResultConverterParameter="f2" />
                         <xcdg:StatCell FieldName="Quantity"
                                        ResultPropertyName="sum_quantity" />                            

Example 3: Creating a custom detail description

The following example demonstrates how to create and use a custom detail description that handles LINQ detail relations, which are provided by properties to which the AssociationAttribute is applied.

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Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Data.Linq.Mapping
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Collections
Namespace Xceed.Wpf.Documentation
  Public Class LinqToSqlDetailDescription
               Inherits DataGridDetailDescription
    Protected Overrides Function GetDetailsForParentItem( ByVal parentCollectionView As DataGridCollectionView, _
                                                          ByVal parentItem As Object ) As IEnumerable
      Dim parentItemType As Type = parentItem.GetType()
      Dim foundProperty As PropertyInfo = Nothing
      Dim properties() As PropertyInfo = parentItemType.GetProperties()
      Dim propertyInfo As PropertyInfo
      For Each propertyInfo In properties
        Dim attributes() As Object = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes( Type.GetType( AssociationAttribute ), _
        If attributes.GetLength( 0 ) = 0 Then
        End If
        Dim associationAttribute As AssociationAttribute = CType( attributes( 0 ), AssociationAttribute )
        If associationAttribute.Name = Me.RelationName Then
          foundProperty = propertyInfo
          Exit Property
        End If
      If foundProperty Is Nothing Then
        Return New Object()
        Dim details As Object = foundProperty.GetValue( parentItem, Nothing )
        Dim detailsType As Type = details.GetType()
        Dim getNewBindingList As MethodInfo = detailsType.GetMethod( "GetNewBindingList" )
        Return CType( getNewBindingList.Invoke( details, Nothing), IEnumerable )
      End If
    End Function
  End Class
End Namespace
Copy Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
namespace Xceed.Wpf.Documentation
 public class LinqToSqlDetailDescription: DataGridDetailDescription
   protected override IEnumerable GetDetailsForParentItem( DataGridCollectionView parentCollectionView,
                                                           object parentItem )
     Type parentItemType = parentItem.GetType();
     PropertyInfo foundProperty = null;
     PropertyInfo[] properties = parentItemType.GetProperties();
     foreach( PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties )
       object[] attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( AssociationAttribute ), false );
       if( attributes.GetLength( 0 ) == 0 )
       AssociationAttribute associationAttribute = ( AssociationAttribute )attributes[ 0 ];
       if( associationAttribute.Name == this.RelationName )
         foundProperty = propertyInfo;
     if( foundProperty == null )
       return new object[] { };
       object details = foundProperty.GetValue( parentItem, null );
       Type detailsType = details.GetType();
       MethodInfo getNewBindingList = detailsType.GetMethod( "GetNewBindingList" );
       return ( IEnumerable )getNewBindingList.Invoke( details, null );
Copy Code
    <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                       Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
          <local:LinqToSqlDetailDescription RelationName="Employee_Employees"
                                            Title="Employees" />
          <local:LinqToSqlDetailDescription RelationName="Employee_Customer"
                <local:LinqToSqlDetailDescription RelationName="Customer_Order"
                      <local:LinqToSqlDetailDescription RelationName="Order_Order_Detail"
                                                        Title="Order Details" />
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
                      ItemsSourceName="Employee Information"
                      AutoCreateDetailConfigurations="True" />
Copy Code
Dim context As New NorthwindDataContext()
Dim collectionView As New DataGridCollectionView( context.Employees, GetType( Employee ), True, False )
collectionView.DetailDescriptions.Add( New LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Employee_Employees", "Employees" ) )
Dim employeeCustomerDetail As New LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Employee_Customer", "Customers" )
Dim customerOrderDetail As New LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Customer_Order", "Orders" )
customerOrderDetail.DetailDescriptions.Add( New LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Order_Order_Detail", "Order Details" ) )
employeeCustomerDetail.DetailDescriptions.Add( customerOrderDetail )
collectionView.DetailDescriptions.Add( employeeCustomerDetail )
dataGridControl.AutoCreateDetailConfigurations = True
dataGridControl.ItemsSourceName = "Employee Information"
dataGridControl.ItemsSource = collectionView
Copy Code
NorthwindDataContext context = new NorthwindDataContext();      
DataGridCollectionView collectionView = new DataGridCollectionView( context.Employees, typeof( Employee ), true, false );      
collectionView.DetailDescriptions.Add( new LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Employee_Employees", "Employees" ) );
LinqToSqlDetailDescription employeeCustomerDetail = new LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Employee_Customer", "Customers" );
LinqToSqlDetailDescription customerOrderDetail = new LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Customer_Order", "Orders" );
customerOrderDetail.DetailDescriptions.Add( new LinqToSqlDetailDescription( "Order_Order_Detail", "Order Details" ) );
employeeCustomerDetail.DetailDescriptions.Add( customerOrderDetail );
collectionView.DetailDescriptions.Add( employeeCustomerDetail );
dataGridControl.AutoCreateDetailConfigurations = true;
dataGridControl.ItemsSourceName = "Employee Information";
dataGridControl.ItemsSource = collectionView;

Example 4: Indenting a non-row item in a detail configuration header

The following example demonstrates how to add a non-row item that will act as a detail separator to the header section of a detail configuration whose indentation will correspond to detail and group levels in which it is contained.

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<Grid xmlns:xcdg="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/datagrid"
   <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                      Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
        <xcdg:Column FieldName="Photo"
                     Visible="False" />
        <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                  Title="Employee Orders"
                    <xcdg:HierarchicalGroupLevelIndicatorPane  xcdg:GroupLevelIndicatorPane.ShowIndicators="False"
                                                                DockPanel.Dock="Left" />
                    <Border Height="24"
                 <xcdg:ColumnManagerRow />

Example 5: Providing a default detail configuration

The following example demonstrates how to provide a default detail configuration that will be applied to all details in a grid and any descendant details for which an explicit detail configuration has not been provided. 

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     <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                        Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current}, Path=Employees}" />
     <xcdg:IndexToOddConverter x:Key="rowIndexConverter" />
     <Style x:Key="alternatingDataRowStyle"
            TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:DataRow}">
           <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                             Converter={StaticResource rowIndexConverter}}"
              <Setter Property="Background"
                      Value="AliceBlue" />
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
                      ItemsSourceName="Employee Information"
       <xcdg:DefaultDetailConfiguration UseDefaultHeadersFooters="False"
                                        ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource alternatingDataRowStyle}"
             <xcdg:GroupConfiguration InitiallyExpanded="False" />
                   <xcdg:HierarchicalGroupLevelIndicatorPane  xcdg:GroupLevelIndicatorPane.ShowIndicators="False"
                                                              DockPanel.Dock="Left" />
                   <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                             ContentTemplate="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                             Path=(xcdg:DataGridControl.DataGridContext).SourceDetailConfiguration.TitleTemplate}" />
                <xcdg:ColumnManagerRow AllowColumnReorder="False"
                                       AllowSort="False" />
                <xcdg:InsertionRow Background="Cornsilk" />
             <Style TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:DetailIndicator}">
                <Setter Property="Background"
                        Value="AliceBlue" />

Example 6: Providing a detail configuration item-container style

The following example demonstrates how to provide an item-container style for the Employee_Orders data relation.

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<Grid xmlns:xcdg="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/datagrid"
    <xcdg:DataGridCollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs_employees"
                                    Source="{Binding Source={x:Static Application.Current},
    <xcdg:IndexToOddConverter x:Key="rowIndexConverter" />
    <Style x:Key="alternatingDataRowStyle" TargetType="{x:Type xcdg:DataRow}">
         <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
                                 Converter={StaticResource rowIndexConverter}}"
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="AliceBlue"/>                    
  <xcdg:DataGridControl x:Name="EmployeesGrid"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvs_employees}}"
      <xcdg:DetailConfiguration RelationName="Employee_Orders"
                                Title="Employee Orders"
                                ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource alternatingDataRowStyle}"/>                        