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Workbooks pour .NET

Créez ou modifiez des documents Microsoft Excel à partir de vos applications .NET, sans avoir besoin d’installer Excel ou Office. Il s’agit d’un composant rapide et léger, soutenu par une équipe de support et de développement réactive dont l’unique ambition est votre satisfaction totale.

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Créez ou modifiez des documents Microsoft Excel à partir de vos applications .NET, sans avoir besoin d’installer Excel ou Office. Il s’agit d’un composant rapide et léger, soutenu par une équipe de support et de développement réactive dont l’unique ambition est votre satisfaction totale.

  • Brand new product!
  • Easy-to-use API similar to its parent application : Xceed Words for .NET.
  • Ongoing development. New versions should be released regularly.
  • Supports .NET 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Complete control

With its easy-to-use API, Xceed Workbooks for .NET lets your application create or modify Microsoft Excel .xlsx documents and gives you complete control over the content of the documents. It lets you modify the content of cells and the size of columns and rows, create formatted tables, set and calculate basic formulas, load data from the web and add elements like pictures and hyperlinks.

You can also customize the appearance of your worksheets, style the content of cells, rows or columns using different fonts, alignments and formatting settings as well as use some of the many other features included in Microsoft Excel, like moving, removing or copying worksheets between different workbooks.

It’s also a great reporting tool

Indeed, Xceed Workbooks for .NET lets you create company reports that you first design with the familiar and rich editing capabilities of Microsoft Excel instead of with a reporting tool’s custom editor. You can then use the designed document as a template that you programmatically customize before sending each report out.

You can also use Xceed Workbooks for .NET to programmatically create invoices, add data to spreadsheets, and more.

Created by experts

Developed by the team behind our Xceed Words for .NET product, the development of this product has benefited greatly from all the years spent working on its parent application. We made sure that the most needed & requested features were included from the get-go and brand-new possibilities will be added as we receive new requests & comments from our users.

Note that there is no refund for this product.

  • Object-oriented design created specifically for the .NET framework.
  • Compatible with .NET6+ and supports .NET5, .NET 4.0 and up, ASP.NET 4.0 and up and Visual Studio 2010 and up.
  • Prend en charge VB.NET, C# et Managed C++.
  • Code géré 100%, écrit en C#.
  • Source code included with the Blueprint subscription.
  • Error handling exclusively through .NET exception classes.
  • Les objets n'ont pas besoin d'être explicitement éliminés.
  • Conforme à la CLS (Common Language Specification), sans blocs non sécurisés, pour des exigences minimales en matière d'autorisation.
  • Documentation intégrée dans Visual Studio.
  • Includes a commented sample application that demonstrates every function by creating or modifying Excel document files.
  • La version 4.X de .NET est compilée à l'aide du profil client de .NET.

Essayez gratuitement pendant 45 jours!
