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This week, we will look at how to add Headers/Footers and a Table of Contents, to your documents.
In order to add headers to a document, we must first call its AddHeaders method to generate them, this will generate the required sections in the document. Similarly, adding footers to a document is done by first calling its AddFooters method. You can choose to include only headers, or only footers, or both, as they are controlled separately.
// Generate the Headers/Footers sections for this document
Once this is done, we need to specify what they should display by adding one or more paragraphs in each appropriate section. By default, the header/footer specified for the Odd section will be used for all pages in the document.
// Insert a paragraph in the Headers/Footers (used for all pages)
document.Headers.Odd.InsertParagraph(“This is the header for all pages”);
document.Footers.Odd.InsertParagraph(“This is the footer for all pages”);
Different Odd and Even pages
To display different headers/footers on odd and even pages, the DifferentOddAndEvenPages property on the document must be set to true.
// Indicate that the odd and even pages will have separate Headers/Footers
document.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = true;
// Insert a paragraph in the Headers/Footers for odd pages
document.Headers.Odd.InsertParagraph(“This is the header for odd pages”);
document.Footers.Odd.InsertParagraph(“This is the footer for odd pages”);
// Insert a paragraph in the Headers/Footers for even pages
document.Headers.Even.InsertParagraph(“This is the header for even pages”);
document.Footers.Even.InsertParagraph(“This is the footer for even pages”);
Different First page
To display different headers/footers on the first page, the DifferentFirstPage property on the document must be set to true.
// Indicate that the first page will have separate Headers/Footers
document.DifferentFirstPage = true;
// Insert a paragraph in the Headers/Footers for first page
document.Headers.First.InsertParagraph(“This is the header for the first page”);
document.Footers.First.InsertParagraph(“This is the footer for the first page”);
Table of Contents
A table of contents can be inserted anywhere in the document, but it is usually added either at the start of the document or at the end.
To insert a table of contents, the InsertTableOfContents method is called on the document. It has 2 overloads, one to specify prior to which paragraph it should be inserted, and another to append it at the end of the document
Inserting a Table of Contents at a specific location in the document.
// Get a reference to the document's first paragraph
var firstParagraph = document.Paragraphs[ 0 ];
// Add the Table of Content prior to the referenced paragraph
var toc = document.InsertTableOfContents( firstParagraph, "Table of Contents", TableOfContentsSwitches.None );
// Add a page break prior to the referenced paragraph so it starts on a fresh page after the Table of Content
Inserting a Table of Contents at the end of the document.
// Add a page break to place the Table of Content on a new page
// Add the Table of Contents
document.InsertTableOfContents( "Table of Contents", TableOfContentsSwitches.None );
Updating an existing Table of Contents
// Force an update of the Table of Content.
For more information, please refer to the la documentation.