3 avril 2023 Publication

Les mises à jour d'avril 2023 de Xceed apportent une conversion PDF améliorée dans Words for .NET, des options de filtrage avancées dans DataGrid for WPF, des méthodes améliorées pour la manipulation des plages dans les classeurs, et de nouvelles fonctionnalités dans la boîte à outils WPF, y compris les événements ExtendedTabControl et les améliorations des graphiques.

Xceed Words pour .NET 2.5

  • The “Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow” exception is no longer thrown when inserting Pictures under Linux-like environments.
  • In Document, calling a ReplaceText method now offers the possibility to select if the replacement takes place in Headers, Footers, the body of the Document or in any combination of those Containers.
  • In Document, calling an ApplyTemplate method when its includeContent parameter is set to false no longer throws an exception of the InvalidOperationException type.
  • In Document, loading a Document containing a settings file that uses a different name than settings.xml no longer results in a corrupted file when saving.
  • In Document, when a Document is inserted into another Document and one of them includes a Picture with an Hyperlink, the final Document will now include the correct Hyperlink.
  • In Paragraph, removing a Paragraph now also removes the Images, Charts and Tables associated with it, along with all of the related parts and the relationships between them.
  • In Paragraph, using the InsertParagraphAfterSelf or InsertParagraphBeforeSelf methods no longer breaks the Paragraphs collection.
  • Inserting and then removing a Paragraph now removes it correctly from the Document.
  • In Paragraph, the value of the StartIndex and EndIndex properties are now calculated only when needed, thus allowing faster modifications of the Paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, inserting a new paragraph before or after the current paragraph will not return the same paragraph anymore, but will now return a new paragraph instead.
  • In Table, the Table’s width is now correctly calculated when the value of AutoFit is set to Contents and/or Dans.
  • In PDF Conversion, the conversion to PDF process is now improved for Documents containing multiple Tables.
  • In PDF Conversion, Tables are now drawn after the PageBreak when a Paragraph contain both elements.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting a Header or Footer bereft of content no longer triggers an exception of the InvalidOperationException type.
  • In PDF Conversion, borders located at the right and at the bottom of Tables are now correctly drawn during the conversion process.
  • In PDF Conversion, a Paragraph with a RightToLeft TextDirection will now have a valid alignment in the final PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, Unicode characters (like “ỗ”, for example) are now converted correctly to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, a Picture that uses the old .ooxml style formatting and has its WrapStyle property set to WrapBehindText will now appear behind the text in the final PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, shapes without a z-index no longer create an Input string was not in a correct format exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, pages will no longer be missing in the final PDF document when the isParagraphKeepingLinesTogether property is set to true.
  • In PDF Conversion, CheckBoxes are now converted and shown correctly in the PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, the text now adjusts its position in relation to the wrapped objects and is displayed correctly in the final PDF when more than one wrapped object is present on a line.
  • In PDF Conversion, the Rows will no longer overlap when a Table is displayed on multiple pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, the final PDF document will no longer have big spacings between paragraphs when values greater than 1 (Single) are used for the LineSpacing property of a Paragraph.
  • In PDF Conversion, images that are rotated by 90 degrees will now have a valid scaling value in the final PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, adjacent Tables will no longer overlap in the final PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, the text contained within the Cells of a Table will now keep its Alignment value when converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, a search for a specific LineSpacing value will be conducted in the current Paragraph before the default LineSpacing of 12 pt is applied when small font sizes are used in this Paragraph.
  • In PDF Conversion, the conversion no longer falls in an infinite loop when a page contains wrapped Tables/Pictures along with section breaks.
  • In PDF Conversion, texts are no longer duplicated in the final PDF when the ooxml structure contains the following pattern: text – run – text.

Xceed Workbooks pour .NET 1.4

  • In Annotation, saving a Worksheet no longer throws an IOException when the Annotations are unmodified.
  • In Workbook, replacing content with a FormattedTextList now correctly replaces said content.
  • In Worksheet, a new method, called DeleteRange, can now be used to remove a range of Cells from the Worksheet.
  • In Worksheet, a new method, called InsertRange, can now be used to insert a range of Cells into the Worksheet.

Xceed DataGrid pour WPF 7.2

  • Il est désormais possible de fournir plusieurs valeurs distinctes par propriété d'élément de données et de filtrer en conséquence, ce qui permet d'obtenir des schémas de filtrage plus complexes.
  • In the MaterialDesign theme pack, the TreeGridflowView class no longer has a column alignment problem.
  • An exception is no longer raised when loading the “persist” settings with a CollectionView other than the DataGridCollectionView.

Xceed Toolkit Plus pour WPF build 4.5.23158.14510

  • In AvalonDock, the DockingManager.PreviewDock & DockingManager.Docked events are now raised properly when docking from a LayoutContent.
  • In AvalonDock, a NullReferenceException is no longer thrown when opening a LayoutDocument as a floating window.
  • In Chart, the graduation of Ticks no longer increments until a maximum value is reached when Axis’ LabelDecimalCount property is used.
  • In Chart, the Ticks will no longer be displayed off the Chart when the range starts below 0 and ends over 0.
  • In Chart, a new property, called Area.GridBackgroundTemplate, can now be used to set a background to the Grid-only part of the Chart`s Area.
  • In CheckComboBox and CheckListBox, the Command is now executed when SelectAll ou UnSelectAll is used.
  • DateTimeUpDown.TryParseDateTime() is now a protected virtual method.
  • In ExtendedTabControl, a new event, called AddTabEvent, was added for when a new TabItem is added in the control.
  • In Extended TabControl, a new event, called RemoveTabEvent, will be raised when a TabItem is removed from the control.
  • In ExtendedTabControl, it is now possible to add items of a custom type using the ItemsSource.
  • In ExtendedTabControl, an IndexOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown when the ItemsSource property or the Items collection are modified.
  • In NumericUpDowns, an invalid numeric value is no longer set on the NumericUpDown when extra numeric values are added with the keyboard while a FormatString includes special characters like %.
  • In PropertyGrid, setting the IsReadOnly property to true no longer collapses the expanded categories when the ExpandedCategoryAttribute is set to false and the categories are expanded using either code or the mouse.
  • In PropertyGrid, the order of the categories will now be respected when using CategoryOrder attributes in tandem with the CategoryPropertyOrder attribute.
  • In PropertyGrid, the values of the NumericUpDowns are now displayed correctly by UIAutomation.
  • In PropertyGrid, all the properties will now be displayed properly when using the categorized mode in .NET 7.
  • When getting the dlls from NuGet, the “wrong package” warning that appeared for System.Drawing.Common no longer appears.
  • In TokenizedTextBox, exceptions are no longer raised when text is pasted.
  • In WatermarkComboBox, the focus highlight is now showed as expected when hovering over the control.

Xceed Zip pour .NET build 7.1.23156.243

  • In Zip for .NET, it is now possible to specify a code page to use for zipped items that use OEM text encoding (non-Unicode characters).
  • In Zip for .NET, it is now possible to supply a custom Text.Encoding object, which is useful when dealing with old zip archives created on machines outside of North America.
  • In Zip for .NET, corrupted zip archives are no longer generated in situations where a file’s header triggers a split.