Learn more about Xeed Workbooks for .NET
La version 1.2 de Workbooks for .NET a été publiée récemment, et elle s'accompagne de nouvelles fonctions permettant de personnaliser nos documents xlsx. Nous en examinerons quelques-unes dans cet article et dans les suivants.
Inserting a Worksheet
In our first article we covered how to add a Worksheet to our document using the Add() method on the WorksheetCollection. This allowed us to add a Worksheet but only at the end of the existing worksheets. In v1.2 we added the Insert() method to allow users to specify where they want to add the new Worksheet.
Available overloads:
Insert(Int32,String) : the destination index and the name of the new Worksheet
Insert(String,String) : the name of the Worksheet that is currently located where the new Worksheet will be placed, and the name of the new Worksheet
Insert(Worksheet,String) : the Worksheet that is currently located where the new Worksheet will be placed, and the name of the new Worksheet
// Inserting a new Worksheet
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
// Start: "Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3"
// Inserting at a specific index
document.Worksheets.Insert(2, "NewSheet1");
// Result: "Sheet1", "Sheet2", "NewSheet1", "Sheet3"
// Inserting at the location of a specific Worksheet (by name)
document.Worksheets.Insert("Sheet2", "NewSheet2");
// Result: "Sheet1", "NewSheet2", "Sheet2", "NewSheet1", "Sheet3"
// Inserting at the location of a specific Worksheet (by object)
var position = document.Worksheets[ 2 ];
document.Worksheets.Insert(position, "NewSheet3");
// Result: "Sheet1", "NewSheet2", "NewSheet3", "Sheet2", "NewSheet1", "Sheet3"
// save the modifications
Inserting Rows
Rows can be inserted by using the InsertRows() method, available on the Worksheet class.
Le InsertRows() method has the following parameters:
rowId: the id of the Row that is currently located where the new Rows will be inserted
count: the number of Rows that will be inserted, 1 by default
// Inserting rows
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var firstSheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Insert 5 rows at the top of the worksheet
firstSheet.InsertRows(0, 5);
// save the modifications
Inserting Columns
Columns can be inserted by using the InsertColumns() method, available on the Worksheet class.
Le InsertColumns() method has the following parameters:
columnId: the id of the Column that is currently located where the new Columns will be inserted
count: the number or Columns that will be inserted, 1 by default
The InsertColumns() method has 2 overloads, both have the same parameter names, but one uses an integer for columnId to specify the column id by its index, and the other uses a string instead to specify the column id by its letter (for example, id 0 is the same as id “A”).
// Inserting columns
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var firstSheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Insert 3 columns at the left of the worksheet using the number index
firstSheet.InsertColumns(0, 3);
// Insert another 2 columns at the left of the worksheet using the letter index this time
firstSheet.InsertColumns("A", 2);
// save the modifications
Deleting Rows
Rows can be deleted by using the DeleteRows() method, available on the Worksheet class.
Le DeleteRows() method has the following parameters:
rowId: the id of the Row that is currently located where the deletion will start
count: the number of Rows that will be deleted, 1 by default
// Deleting rows
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var firstSheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Delete the top 5 rows
firstSheet.DeleteRows(0, 5);
// save the modifications
Deleting Columns
Columns can be deleted by using the DeleteColumns() method, available on the Worksheet class.
Le DeleteColumns() method has the following parameters:
columnId: the id of the Column that is currently located where the deletion will start
count: the number or Columns that will be deleted, 1 by default
The DeleteColumns() method has 2 overloads, both have the same parameter names, but one uses an integer for columnId to specify the column id by its index, and the other uses a string instead to specify the column id by its letter (for example, id 0 is the same as id “A”).
// Deleting columns
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var firstSheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Delete the 3 left-most columns using the number index
firstSheet.DeleteColumns(0, 3);
// Delete another 2 columns at the left using the letter index this time
firstSheet.DeleteColumns("A", 2);
// save the modifications
More to come in Part II, stay tuned!
For more information, please refer to the la documentation.