Jan. 25, 2021 Release

Xceed has just released a new product! The Datagrid for Javascript. This release also includes many improvements and bug fixes for our WPF, Zip and FTP products as well

Xceed DataGrid for Javascript 1.5

  • Go here to see the details

Xceed DataGrid pour WPF 7.0

  • In the ResourceCenter, the links to the online documentation were updated.
  • Fixed an exception that occured when using the SearchManager in a grid that contained Unbound Columns.
  • Fixed an exception that occurred when trying to save or load the persist settings with a collection view other than a DataGridCollectionView.
  • Fixed the error message for the obsolete event AddingNewDataItem.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the SelectedItemsSource to sometimes no longer contain the selected items after a selection change.
  • Fixed the InvalidOperationException that was raised when a field name contained a “.” in its name.

Xceed Toolkit Plus pour WPF 4.1

  • In AvalonDock, de-serializing AvalonDock many times in the same frame no longer raises an exception related to floatingWindows that can’t show up because they are already closed.
  • In AvalonDock, floating a LayoutAnchorable contained in a multi-LayoutAnchorableGroup with specific star sizes no longer resets the sizes of the remaining LayoutAnchorables after the floating.
  • In AvalonDock, moving a LayoutFloatingWindowControl over the DockingManager no longer shows the overlay of any LayoutAnchorableFloatingWindow positioned behind the DockingManager.
  • In AvalonDock, the LayoutAnchorable pin button tooltip and its context menu now displays a “Restore” text instead of an “AutoHide” text when the control is auto-hidden.
  • In AvalonDock, the new CanFloatBehindMainWindow property can now be used to make floatingWindow float behind the DockingManager; the floatingWindow’s focus is now handled through this new property.
  • In AvalonDock, when auto-hiding a LayoutAnchorable, only the selected LayoutAnchorable now gets auto-hidden instead of all the LayoutAnchorables within the same LayoutAnchorablePane.
  • In AvalonDock, when the DockingManager window is hidden, floating windows can no longer be dropped inside the DockingManager.
  • In AvalonDock, when using CacheDocumentTabItems or CacheAnchorableTabItems set to true, starting to float a LayoutContent and selecting it no longer displays the floating content in the LayoutCachePaneControl selected tab item.
  • In CalculatorUpDown, setting the IsReadOnly property to true no longer enables the toggleButton to pop the Calculator.
  • In Chart, using DateTime tick labels now always shows the requested number of ticks.
  • In CheckComboBox and CheckListBox, using these controls inside the tabs of a TabControl with their SelectedItemsOverride property set no longer removes the selection while switching tabs.
  • In CheckListBox and CheckComboBox, the new ItemSelectionChanging event is now available to cancel a selection/deselection.
  • In ListBox, updating a ListBox from multiple threads no longer throws NullRefExceptions when using common lock objects.
  • In PropertyGrid, properties of type Collection/Array/Dictionary, which only contains a getter, can now be opened with their editor, but not edited.
  • In PropertyGrid, the expander background color SystemColors.ControlBrush can now be easily overridden.
  • In PropertyGrid, the new PropertyNameTextWrapping property can now be used to wrap long property names.
  • In PropertyGrid, the propertyValueChanged event is now raised when a PropertyItem of type IEnumerable is modified through the CollectionEditor.
  • In PropertyGrid, using a ComboBox editor for PropertyItems when PropertyGrid.IsReadOnly property is true now prevents from modifying the comboBox value.
  • In PropertyGrid, using the SelectedObjectsOverride property and calling a PropertyIem.Instance now returns the instances of all the selected objects.
  • In PropertyGrid, when the IsVirtualizing property is false, scrolling over expanded sub-propertyItems no longer jumps to the next propertyItem when the parent propertyItem goes out of view.
  • In SplitButton, DropDownButton and MultiLineTextEditor, the ContentStringFormat property can now be used to format a content string.
  • In TimeSpanUpDown, incrementing when no value is set and CurrentDateTimePart is set now increments the corresponding dateTime part.
  • In TimeSpanUpDown, when the property ShowDays is true, the control now always displays the days in a “00” format, even when there are 0 days.
  • In ToggleSwitch, the IsCheckValueChanged event no longer throws an InvalidCastException.
  • In WindowContainer, calling Children.Remove() no longer throws a NullRefException for a null child.
  • In WizardPage, for UI Automation, the TextBlocks for page title and page description can now be used with “Accessibility Insight” tools.
  • In Zoombox, re-connecting during a remote desktop connection session no longer raises a NullRefException.

Xceed Zip for .NET and .NET Standard 6.9

  • Improved the speed of “CompressionMethod.Deflated” compression on .NET 4.5 and later.
  • Assembly names and dll files no longer have their version number as part of the name.
  • Added primitives that implement an unlimited, stack-based, option system that will allow future versions to specify advanced options for Zip and Unzip operations.
  • Reduced memory fragmentation caused by heavy usage of “CompressionMethod.Deflated” compression and decompression.

Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET and .NET Standard 6.9

  • Assembly names and dll files no longer have their version number as part of the name.
  • Improved the speed of “CompressionMethod.Deflated” compression on .NET 4.5 and later.
  • Reduced memory fragmentation caused by heavy usage of “CompressionMethod.Deflated” compression and decompression.

Xceed FTP for .NET and .NET Standard 6.9

  • Assembly names and dll files no longer have their version number as part of the name.

Xceed SFTP for .NET and .NET Standard 6.9

  • Assembly names and dll files no longer have their version number as part of the name.

Xceed Words pour .NET 1.8

  • In Bookmark, calling the SetText method multiple times no longer inserts all the new texts; instead, it replaces the old text with the new one.
  • In Bookmarks, new methods on the Container class are now available to get, insert, remove and validate bookmarks.
  • In Bookmarks, retrieving paragraph’s bookmarks no longer raises a NullRefException when bookmarks are not self-contained in the paragraph.
  • In Chart, the new Axis.LabelPosition property is now available to position the axis labels over, under, next to the axis or even hide them.
  • In Chart, the new Charts property from Container is now available to get all the charts from a container.
  • In Charts, a new Width property can now be used to set the size of a series.
  • In Document, automatic hyphenations and configurable hyphenations can now be set for the whole document.
  • In Document, calling ApplyTemplate() with a zero-size template document now throws an error explaining that a template document must contain data.
  • In Document, joining two documents no longer throws a NullRefException because _fontTablePart is null.
  • In Document, the Save() and SaveAs() methods now have an optional “password” parameter, which is required in order to save password protected documents.
  • In Paragraph, new properties are now available to get the following and previous paragraph.
  • In PDF Conversion, asserts are no longer raised when the document to convert does not contain headers/footers of type Even or First.
  • In PDF Conversion, changing section with document.InsertSection() method no longer displays the wrong headers/footers in the PDF document.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting a docx using uninstalled fonts no longer throws exceptions.
  • In PDF Conversion, line spacing has been reviewed to correctly set the spacing before and after paragraphs.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems no longer add unnecessary tabs between their number and content.
  • In PDF Conversion, multilevel lists no longer throw an IndexOutOfBound exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, Table’s cells containing vertical padding no longer doubles the vertical padding size.
  • In PDF Conversion, text in table’s cells no longer crops when row size has a fixed height.
  • In PDF Conversion, the Table of Content no longer uses blue underlined text and now respects the indentation levels.
  • In PDF Conversion, using a smallCaps formatting set to false no longer throws a NullRefException.
  • In PDF Conversion, using shapes with decimal size values no longer throws a Format exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, vertically merged cells no longer clip their cell content when the rows have fixed heights.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a table has a specific style with no header row displayed, the resulting PDF document now displays the correct row background color for that Table.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a table won’t fit on a page and its last drawable row contains paragraphs with their KeepWithNext property set to true, the table no longer splits on two pages at this specific row; instead, Words will try to find a previous table’s row without this KeepWithNext property set to true to split the table at this new position.
  • In Sections, inserting sections with different headers/footers no longer keeps only the last section’s headers/footers.
  • In Table, creating a multi-columns table now autofits the columns’ width based on the page’s available width; when opening the document in GoogleDoc or MS Word 2013/2016, the table now displays with valid column widths.
  • In Table, inserting a new column now uses the neighbor column’s width and resizes all the row’s cell widths to fit on the page width (when table doesn’t have a fixed size).
  • In Table, when removing the last paragraph from a cell, if the cell also contains an HTML/RTF content, the paragraph removal can now be done.

Xceed PDF Creator for .NET 1.8

  • Asserts are no longer raised when the document does not contain headers/footers of type Even or First.
  • Changing section with document.InsertSection() method no longer displays the wrong headers/footers in the PDF document.
  • Line spacing has been reviewed to correctly set the spacing before and after paragraphs.
  • ListItems no longer add unnecessary tabs between their number and content.
  • Multilevel lists no longer throw an IndexOutOfBound exception.
  • Saving a PDF document using uninstalled fonts no longer throws exceptions.
  • Table’s cells containing vertical padding no longer doubles the vertical padding size.
  • Text in table’s cells no longer crops when row size has a fixed height.
  • The Table of Content no longer uses blue underlined text and now respects the indentation levels.
  • Using a smallCaps formatting set to false no longer throws a NullRefException.
  • Using shapes with decimal size values no longer throws a Format exception.
  • Vertically merged cells no longer clip their cell content when the rows have fixed heights.
  • When a table has a specific style with no header row displayed, the resulting PDF document now displays the correct row background color for that Table.
  • When a table won’t fit on a page and its last drawable row contains paragraphs with their KeepWithNext property set to true, the table no longer splits on two pages at this specific row; instead, PDF Creator will try to find a previous table’s row without this KeepWithNext property set to true to split the table at this new position.
  • In Bookmark, calling the SetText method multiple times no longer inserts all the new texts; instead, it replaces the old text with the new one.
  • In Bookmarks, new methods on the Container class are now available to get, insert, remove and validate bookmarks.
  • In Bookmarks, retrieving paragraph’s bookmarks no longer raises a NullRefException when bookmarks are not self-contained in the paragraph.
  • In Chart, the new Axis.LabelPosition property is now available to position the axis labels over, under, next to the axis or even hide them.
  • In Chart, the new Charts property from Container is now available to get all the charts from a container.
  • In Document, automatic hyphenations and configurable hyphenations can now be set for the whole document.
  • In Document, calling ApplyTemplate() with a zero-size template document now throws an error explaining that a template document must contain data.
  • In Document, joining two documents no longer throws a NullRefException because _fontTablePart is null.
  • In Paragraph, new properties are now available to get the following and previous paragraph.
  • In Sections, inserting sections with different headers/footers no longer keeps only the last section’s headers/footers.
  • In Table, creating a multi-columns table now autofits the columns’ width based on the page’s available width.
  • In Table, inserting a new column now uses the neighbor column’s width and resizes all the row’s cell widths to fit on the page width (when table doesn’t have a fixed size).
  • In Table, when removing the last paragraph from a cell, if the cell also contains an HTML/RTF content, the paragraph removal can now be done.