Aug. 17, 2020 Service Release

The August 2020 realease includes many improvements and bug fixes for our Zip and FTP products as well as Words for .NET, PDF creator for .NET and Toolkit Plus for WPF

Xceed Zip pour .NET and Xceed Zip for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130

  • Self-extractor: It is now possible for the ExecuteAfter property to run a program as administrator (with prompt) even if the self-extracting archive itself is not. (.NET Only)
  • Self-extractor: It is now possible to specify an error message for when the ExecuteAfter property is unable to start an application. (.NET Only)
  • Self-extractor: A new macro, , is now available for error messages. It specifies a description string for the error. The description string is not configurable and in English only. (.NET Only)
  • Système de fichiers : Ajout d'un moyen de cloner les masques d'un objet NameFilter mais d'attribuer un nouveau FilterScope pour une utilisation dans des filtres complexes. Ajout d'une documentation montrant comment effectuer un filtrage qui sélectionne des fichiers ou des dossiers en incluant ou en excluant des sous-dossiers.

Xceed Ftp for .NET and Xceed Ftp for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130

  • Interoperability improvement: now automatically uses FTP server’s IP address when PASV returns an unroutable address.

Xceed Real-Time Zip pour .NET and Xceed Real-Time Zip for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130

  • Added an improved code example on how to use Real-Time Zip to create nested archives that can be accessed efficiently by other like Zip.NET.

Xceed SFTP pour .NET and Xceed SFTP for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130

  • Interoperability improvement: Added new key exchange methods: diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group15-sha512, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512.
  • Added documentation that shows how to chain multiple authentication methods together.

Xceed Words pour .NET 1.7.20371.21580

  • In Bookmark, a Formatting parameter is now available for the method Bookmark.SetText() and Paragraph.ReplaceAtBookmark() to format the bookmark text.
  • In Bookmark, appending pictures no longer throws NullRefException.
  • In Bookmark, calling the SetText method no longer copies the new text multiple times when the bookmark’s paragraph contains multiple runs.
  • In Chart, modifying the value of a series containing a specific formatting now keeps the formatting after the modification.
  • In Chart, retrieving the Chart series values no longer throw a NullRefException.
  • In Document, joining 2 documents now gives the opportunity to choose the headers/footers of doc1, doc2 or both of them in the resulting document.
  • In Document, replacing a text preceding a column break no longer keeps the original text in the resulting document.
  • In Document, merging documents no longer creates duplicates of the same styles in the resulting document.
  • In Document, merging documents with images no longer creates a System.IO.IOException.
  • In Document, adding custom properties with formatting is now possible.
  • In Document, when no “docDefaults” are defined or when table columns’s width are not defined, the document now correctly loads.
  • In Document, the new method InsertCaptionAfterSelf() is now available to add a caption text under a picture, table or paragraph.
  • In List, creating a bulleted list in a loaded document no longer creates a numbered list.
  • In Paragraph, using InsertPageNumber(), AppendPageNumber(), InsertPageCount() or AppendPageCount() now correctly formats the number based on the current paragraph format.
  • In Paragraph, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead. Also, the new method Document.GetParagraphStyleIdFromStyleName can now be used to retrieve a Paragraph StyleId from a style name. Finally, in Formatting, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead.
  • In Paragraph, creating a picture now uses its dpi resolution so that the image is converted to 72 dpi, as wanted by MS Word.
  • In PDF Conversion, the footer no longer appears too high in the page.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the text do not have a specified font, the conversion now uses the docx default font instead of the Calibri font.
  • In PDF Conversion, the PDF table’s rows heights now matches the MS Word table’s rows heights.
  • In PDF Conversion, using a negative indentation now converts the text to PDF without clipping.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting many images to PDF no longer creates an out of memory exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, when many big consecutive tables needs to split on many pages, the resulting PDF document now contains all the tables rows.
  • In Picture, the new property Hyperlink can now be used to get/set an Hyperlink on a Picture.
  • In Picture, creating a picture with big dimensions no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In Section, it is now possible to insert a section between other sections.
  • In Table, adding a an inner table after a cell’s paragraph with the InsertTableAfterSelf method, no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In Table cell, inserting a table no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In TableOfContents, it is now possible to add parameters to table of content switches through the Document.InsertTableOfContents methods.

Xceed PDF Creator for .NET 1.7.20371.21580

  • In Bookmark, a Formatting parameter is now available for the method Bookmark.SetText() and Paragraph.ReplaceAtBookmark() to format the bookmark text.
  • In Bookmark, appending pictures no longer throws NullRefException.
  • In Bookmark, calling the SetText method no longer copies the new text multiple times when the bookmark’s paragraph contains multiple runs.
  • In Chart, retrieving the Chart series values no longer throw a NullRefException.
  • In Document, joining 2 documents now gives the opportunity to choose the headers/footers of doc1, doc2 or both of them in the resulting document.
  • In Document, replacing a text preceding a column break no longer keeps the original text in the resulting document.
  • In Document, merging documents with images no longer creates a System.IO.IOException.
  • In Document, adding custom properties with formatting is now possible.
  • In Document, the new method InsertCaptionAfterSelf() is now available to add a caption text under a picture, table or paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, using InsertPageNumber(), AppendPageNumber(), InsertPageCount() or AppendPageCount() now correctly formats the number based on the current paragraph format.
  • In Paragraph, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead. Also, the new method GetStyleIdFromStyleName can now be used to retrieve a Paragraph StyleId from a style name. Finally, in Formatting, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead.
  • In Paragraph, creating a picture now uses its dpi resolution.
  • In Picture, creating a picture with big dimensions no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In Picture, the new property Hyperlink can now be used to get/set an Hyperlink on a Picture.
  • In Section, it is now possible to insert a section between other sections.
  • In Table cell, inserting a table no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In TableOfContents, it is now possible to add parameters to table of content switches through the Document.InsertTableOfContents methods.
  • Saving many images no longer creates an out of memory exception.
  • The footer no longer appears too high in the page.
  • The table’s rows heights have been reviewed to include cells paddings and borders height.
  • Using a negative indentation now saves the text to PDF without clipping.
  • When the text do not have a specified font, the default font is used instead of the Calibri font.
  • When many big consecutive tables needs to split on many pages, the resulting document now contains all the tables rows.

Xceed Toolkit Plus pour WPF 4.0.20417.14530

  • All controls now support the High Contrast mode when loading the application while in High Contrast mode.
  • In all Controls and samples, the licensing comments have been updated.
  • In AvalonDock, a new event “ToggledPin” is now raised when a LayoutContent is pinned/unpinned.
  • In AvalonDock, pinning an auto-hide LayoutAnchorable now pins it on the appropriate side depending on its position in the children list.
  • In AvalonDock, creating and dropping a LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow now updates the remaining star sized LayoutElements.
  • In AvalonDock, resizing a star sized LayoutElement, which is part of a multi star sized pane, now keeps the proportional values.
  • In AvalonDock, closing all floating windows now brings the focus back to the window containing the DockingManager.
  • In AvalonDock, the “X” button on a LayoutAcnhorableFloatingWindow now displays an “Hide All” tooltip, letting users know that all the floating LayoutAnchorables will be hidden on a click.
  • In AvalonDock, the method DockingManager.ShowNavigatorWindow is now “protected internal virtual”, so it can be overriden in a derived DockingManager.
  • In AvalonDock, default texts are now localized for Japanese language.
  • In AvalonDock, Dynamically adding LayoutDocuments/LayoutAnchorables now displays the content of the newly added LayoutContent.
  • In AvalonDock, clicking on a label with a shortcut key no longer throws an InvalidCastException.
  • In AvalonDock, calling Float, Hide, Show and Dock (in that order) on a LayoutAnchorable now docks the LayoutAnchorable in the expected container.
  • In AvalonDock, hiding floating windows and reloading the layout no longer remove the focus from the DockingManager.
  • In AvalonDock, using the CacheDocumentTabItems/CacheAnchorableTabItems properties no longer creates a loading delay or removes the vertical scrollbar. Same thing in the ExtendedTabControl when using the CacheTabItems property.
  • In AvalonDock with Metro Dark accent theme, the resize splitter now uses a light color while dragging.
  • In Chart, DataPoints with NaN coordinates can now be passed to a LineLayout series. These DataPoints won’t be rendered in the chart, creating gaps between the valid DataPoints connections.
  • In CheckComboBox/CheckListBox, using a ValueMemberPath containing many parts (propA.propB.propC) now correctly updates the SelectedValue property. It also displays the first item selected in the TextBlock.
  • In CollectionControlDialog, using objects with cycling dependencies no longer throws StackOverflow exceptions.
  • In DateTimePicker, modifying the Value property more than once in code-behind (with different times) no longer keep the old time.
  • In DateTimePicker, DateTimeUpDown and TimePicker, when AllowTextInput is true, the “+” and “-” keys from the NumPad no longer increment/decrement the current value.
  • In DropDownButton and SplitButton, clicking on the arrow button when the popup is opened now closes the popup.
  • In Magnifier, setting the IsEnabled property to false now disables the Magnifier.
  • In MaterialHamburger, showing and hiding the MaterialHamburgerMenu contained in a UIElement, no longer clips the UIElement.
  • In MaterialHamburgerMenu with themes, a vertical scrollbar now appears when its content do not fit in the available space.
  • In MultiLineTextEditor, the default content is now a TextBlock, binding to the Text property with Text ellipsis.
  • In MultiLineTextEditor, disabling the control now grays out the text content.
  • In PropertyGrid, the PropertyItem’s red invalid border is now displayed when a property is set to an invalid value from code-behind.
  • In RichTextBox, highlighting different portions of the text now displays the RichTextBoxFormatBar with the corresponding values.
  • In ToggleSwitch and MaterialSwitch, the IsChecked property can now accept the null value, along with the usual true/false values.
  • In TokenizedTextBox, new overridable callbacks are now available(OnFilteredItemsChanged & OnCoerceFilteredItems) to manage the filtered items to be displayed in the popup.
  • In Wizard, when using a ShowDialog Window containing a Wizard, pressing the Wizard’s cancel button and canceling the “cancel process” now only raises one OnClosing event.