4 de febrero de 2022

Xceed ha lanzado una nueva versión de servicio para Toolkit Plus for WPF, Words for .Net y Workbooks for .Net que añade soporte para .NET6 así como muchas correcciones de errores.

Xceed Words para .NET 2.2

  • The .NET5, dlls for Words now works well with .NET6 applications.
  • In PDF Conversion, saving the document as a docx prior to converting it to PDF is no longer necessary.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting a table that contains a table in one of its cells no longer raises an OutOfRange Exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, a table located inside a table no longer displays larger than it should when exported in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, a table located inside a table now has an appropriate left margin.
  • In PDF Conversion, a paragraph containing only a shape and no text no longer shifts the shape away from the paragraph.
  • In PDF Conversion, first line indentation now displays the PDF paragraph text with a valid indentation.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraphs displayed on 2 pages now display all their lines of text.
  • In PDF Conversion, a large text that uses Single line paragraphs no longer gets cut vertically.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems now displays the valid decimal value when starting at 2.
  • In Document, modifying the header content before inserting the document in another document no longer loses the header modifications.
  • In Document, using a trial license for a document containing 1 or 2 of the usual headers (first, odd, even) no longer creates an InvalidOperationException when saving.
  • In Document, instead of returning the current document when a call to the Copy method fails, an exception is now raised
  • In Document, inserting a document when the useSectionBreak parameter is set to false now inserts the document without adding an unnecessary section break.
  • In Section, the Tables property now returns all the tables in the current section. Also, the Remove method now removes all the tables from a section, including the first table.
  • In Table, the IndentFromLeft property now returns the expected value.
  • In Container, removing all paragraphs from a table now also removes the table.

Xceed Workbooks para .NET 1.1

  • Worbooks dlls for .NET5 now works well with a .NET6 application.
  • Workbooks now supports picture manipulation.
  • Workbooks now supports hyperlink.
  • Worksheets can now be moved using the indexer of the Worksheet collection.
  • Worksheet can now be removed using the indexer of the Worksheet collection.
  • Worksheets can now be copied in a target collection.
  • In Table, resizing a table containing a TotalRow in order to use less rows no longer corrupts the document.
  • In Table, modifying the ShowHeaderRow property now works correctly and sets valid column header names.
  • In Table, a TableColumn’s name can now be modified once the Table has been created.
  • In Column, the AutoFit() method can now be called to adjust the width of the column based on the cell with the widest content
  • In ColumnCollection, ColumnRanges can now be retrieved by using the new indexers [int, int] or [string, string]. In addition, the ColumnCollection now offers an AutoFit() method that allows to adjust the width of the columns based on their cell that has the widest content.
  • ColumnRanges are now supported and can be used to AutoFit a range of columns with one function call.
  • In Cell, setting the Value using an enum, a char or a guid, now converts the Cell content to a string, preventing from a corrupted output document.
  • In Cell, the maximum number of characters that be set on the Value property is now 32 767.

Xceed Toolkit Plus para WPF 4.3.1

  • In AvalonDock, The AnchorableSources property now works as expected.
  • In AvalonDock, ActiveContent no longer resets to the first LayoutContent when new LayoutContents is added.
  • In AvalonDock, docking a floating window using the title bar’s Dock command now correctly docks the floatingWindow inside the main window.
  • In AvalonDock, docking a LayoutAnchorable by using the ContextMenu’s Dock command now sets the IsFloating property to false and correctly updates the FloatingWindows collection.
  • In AvalonDock, deserializing a DockingManager that contains floating windows no longer throws an “Unable to find a pane with Id” exception.