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En el contexto de Workbooks para .NET, un hipervínculo será una palabra o frase en una celda o rango de celdas determinado. La clase Hiperenlace encapsula el objeto que representa un hiperenlace
Now that we know the basics to making and editing our Workbook, including the use of Tables, Styles and SheetViews, let's look into adding a new element: Pictures
Now that we have covered the basics of creating an xlsx document, and learned how to add to and modify the contents of a Worksheet including Cells and Tables, let's look into how to make it look nice by taking advantage of Styles and SheetViews!
In the previous article, we covered how to access and modify Cells, Columns and Rows. This time we will look into adding and modifying Tables in a Worksheet.
In the previous article, we learned the basics of creating an xlsx document using the Create, Load, Save and SaveAs methods, as well as how to add and retrieve Worksheets.
Welcome to a new series! This time we will go over the latest addition to the Xceed collection: Workbooks for .NET. First, we will start with the basics of how to create a document and learn more advanced topics as we go in the next few articles
This week we will take a quick look at Grouping and Sorting in the DataGrid for WPF.
Now that we've seen how to get started with the DataGrid for WPF, before going more in-depth, let's take a step back this time and take a quick look at the different views that are available.
This time, let's take a look at these properties in more detail, to learn more about what the AutoCreateItemProperties and AutoCreateColumns actually do, and how we can use them to customize the ItemProperties and Columns instead of letting the DataGrid automatically load everything.
Welcome to this new series. This time we will look at the Xceed DataGrid for WPF. We will start slow with the basics, then cover various topics and features to learn how to make the most of the DataGrid in your projects.