Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Extracting items from a generic stream

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > Zip and streaming capabilities > Unzipping > Extracting items from a generic stream

The following example demonstrates how to extract the contents of a zip file which is located in the resources of an application using the StreamFile class. The StreamFile class implements access to any type of stream as though it were a file.

Basic steps

To extract the contents of a zip file located in an application's resources, the following steps must be performed:

  • Create a stream that accesses a zip file contained within the resources of an application This is done using the .NET Framework's GetManifestResourceStream method. 

  • Initrialize a new instance of the StreamFile class around the stream that accesses the zip file in the resources of the application specifying the name by which to access the zip file. 

  • Retrieve a reference to the zip file in the resources using the ZipArchive class. 

  • Retrieve a reference to a folder where the files will be extracted to using either the DiskFolder, ZippedFolder, ZipArchive, MemoryFolder or IsolatedFolder classes.   With Xceed Zip for .NET, a folder is a folder; it does not matter if it is located within a zip file, on disk or in memory. 

  • Copy the files from the zip file to a destination folder using the CopyFilesTo method.  With Xceed Zip for .NET, a folder is a folder; it does not matter if it is located within a zip file, on disk or in memory.


The following example demonstrates how to extract files from a zip file located in an application's resources.

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.FileSystem
Imports Xceed.Zip

Dim resources As Stream = Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( "Resources.zip" )
Dim file As New StreamFile( resources, "Resources.zip" )
Dim zip As New ZipArchive( file )
Dim destinationFolder As New DiskFolder( "d:\Destination" )            

' Copy files from the zip file contained within the resources to a local folder.
zip.CopyFilesTo( destinationFolder, false, true )

C# Copy Code

using Xceed.FileSystem;
using Xceed.Zip;

Stream resources = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( "Resources.zip" );
StreamFile file = new StreamFile( resources, "Resources.zip" );
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive( file );
DiskFolder destinationFolder = new DiskFolder( @"d:\Destination" ); 

zip.CopyFilesTo( destinationFolder, false, true );

Things you should consider

The main questions you should ask yourself when copying items to a zip file are: