Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Copying an item to a gzip file

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > Tar and GZip capabilities > Xceed GZip > Copying an item to a gzip file

This topic demonstrates how to create a GZip archive.

FileSystem-based GZip is not currently available in Xceed's .NET Compact Framework products.

Basic steps

To create a GZipped file, the following steps must be performed:

  • Retrieve a reference to the file that will be added to the GZip archive, using an AbstractFile-derived class such as the DiskFile, MemoryFile or IsolatedFile classes. With Xceed’s FileSystem-based products, a file is a file: it does not matter if it is located in a GZip archive, on disk or in memory. 

  • Retrieve a reference to a new GZip archive using the GZipArchive class. 

  • Call the CopyTo method to copy the file to the GZip file.

When performing many operations on an archive, you may wish to consider optimizing your code by using batch updates.


This example demonstrates how to copy a file to a GZip archive.

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.GZip
Imports Xceed.FileSystem

Dim sourceFile as New DiskFile(@"C:\test.txt")

sourceFile.CopyTo(New GZipArchive(New DiskFile(@"C:\test.gz")), True)

C# Copy Code

using Xceed.GZip;
using Xceed.FileSystem;

DiskFile sourceFile = new DiskFile(@"C:\test.txt");

sourceFile.CopyTo(new GZipArchive(new DiskFile(@"C:\test.gz")), true);

Things you should consider

The main questions you should ask yourself when copying items to a GZip file are:

  • Do you want to copy the contents of a folder rather than a single file? Although not a typical use of GZip, the format and Xceed's implementation allows for this. See Multi-file operations for details. 

  • Do you want to display the status of the operation? See the Events topic. 

  • Do you want to move items rather than copy them? Use the MoveTo method.