Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
How to receive items from an FTP server

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Task-Based Help > FTP capabilities > Working with the QuickFtp class > How to receive items from an FTP server

This topic demonstrates how to receive items from an FTP server using the static Receive method of the QuickFtp class.

Receive method

The Receive method has various overloads that can be used to receive files from a server. Some only require that you specify the hostname, the local destination folder, and the files to receive, while others provide options such as a using username and password, port numbers, authentication, whether to replace existing files, preserve paths, proxies, passive transfers, synchronizing objects, etc. For details on the other overloads, see the reference documentation.


In the following example, we specify the hostname, a port number, a username and a password, the local destination folder, various delegates for handling events, and the file to receive. For more details on how to work with receiving certificates, see Xceed's Snippet Explorer.

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.Ftp

' If your trial period has expired, you must purchase a registered license key,
' uncomment the appropriate line of code below, and insert your registered license key.
' For more information, jump to the How the 45-day trial works and the
' How to license the component once you purchase topics.
' For Xceed Ftp for .NET:
'Xceed.Ftp.Licenser.LicenseKey = "FTPXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX"

' For Xceed Ftp for .NET Compact Framework:
'Xceed.Ftp.Licenser.LicenseKey = "FTCXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX"

' Note: Pathnames must be modified for code snippets to work under the .NET Compact Framework.

QuickFtp.Receive("localhost", 21, "username", "password", _ 
                 AuthenticationMethod.None, VerificationFlags.None, Nothing, _ 
                 DataChannelProtection.Clear, False, "d:\", True, True, True, Nothing, _ 
                 New QuickFtp.CertificateReceivedCallback(Me.OnCertificateReceived), _ 
                 New QuickFtp.CertificateRequiredCallback(Me.OnCertificateRequired), _ 
                 New QuickFtp.ByteProgressionCallback(Me.OnByteProgression), _ 
                 New QuickFtp.ItemProgressionCallback(Me.OnItemProgression), _
                 Nothing, "\test\test.txt\")

Public Sub OnCertificateReceived(ByVal serverCertificate As Certificate, _ 
                                 ByVal verificationAction As VerificationAction, _
                                 ByVal verificationFlags As VerificationFlags, _ 
                                 ByVal verificationStatus As VerificationStatus) 
   'Do stuff
End Sub

Public Sub OnCertificateRequired(ByVal certificate As Certificate) 
   ' Set your certificate here
End Sub

Public Sub OnByteProgression(ByVal currentItemName As String, _
                             ByVal currentItemsByteProcessed As Long, _ 
                             ByVal currentItemTotalBytes As Long, _
                             ByVal currentItemPercent As Byte, _ 
                             ByVal allItemsByteProcessed As Long, _
                             ByVal allItemsTotalBytes As Long, _ 
                             ByVal allItemsPercent As Byte, _
                             ByVal userParams As Object) 
   'Do stuff
End Sub

Public Sub OnItemProgression(ByVal currentItemName As String, _
                             ByVal itemProcessed As Long, _
                             ByVal totalItemCount As Long, _
                             ByVal totalItemPercent As Byte, _
                             ByRef abort As Boolean, _ 
                             ByVal userParams As Object) 
   'Do stuff
End Sub

C# Copy Code

using Xceed.Ftp;

// If your trial period has expired, you must purchase a registered license key,
// uncomment the appropriate line of code below, and insert your registered license key.
// For more information, jump to the How the 45-day trial works and the
// How to license the component once you purchase topics.
// For Xceed Ftp for .NET:
//Xceed.Ftp.Licenser.LicenseKey = "FTNXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX";

// For Xceed Ftp for .NET Compact Framework:
// Xceed.Ftp.Licenser.LicenseKey = "FTCXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX";

// Note: Pathnames must be modified for code snippets to work under the .NET Compact Framework.
QuickFtp.Receive( "localhost", 21, "username", "password", 
                  AuthenticationMethod.None, VerificationFlags.None,
                  null, DataChannelProtection.Clear, false,
                  @"d:\", true, true, true, null,
                  new QuickFtp.CertificateReceivedCallback( this.OnCertificateReceived ),
                  new QuickFtp.CertificateRequiredCallback( this.OnCertificateRequired ),
                  new QuickFtp.ByteProgressionCallback( this.OnByteProgression ),
                  new QuickFtp.ItemProgressionCallback( this.OnItemProgression ),
                  null,  @"\test\test.txt\");

public void OnCertificateReceived(  Certificate serverCertificate,
                                    VerificationAction verificationAction,
                                    VerificationFlags verificationFlags,
                                    VerificationStatus verificationStatus )
   //Do stuff

public void OnCertificateRequired( Certificate certificate )

   // Set your certificate here

public void OnByteProgression( string currentItemName,
                               long currentItemsByteProcessed,
                               long currentItemTotalBytes,
                               byte currentItemPercent,
                               long allItemsByteProcessed,
                               long allItemsTotalBytes,
                               byte allItemsPercent,
                               object userParams)
   //Do stuff

public void OnItemProgression( string currentItemName,
                               long itemProcessed,
                               long totalItemCount,
                               byte totalItemPercent,
                               ref bool abort,
                               object userParams)
   //Do stuff

Things you should consider

The main questions you should ask yourself when receiving files from an FTP server are:

  • Do you want to do more complex FTP operations? Use the FileSystem-based classes defined within the Xceed.Ftp namespace.