Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
How to display progress information

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Task-Based Help > FTP capabilities > Working with the FtpClient interface > How to display progress information

The FileTransferStatus, ReceivingFile and SendingFile events of the FtpClient class can all be used to display progress information during an FTP operation. 

The FileTransferStatus event is raised for every packet sent or received during a file transfer, while the ReceivingFile and SendingFile events for each file being sent or received to and from the FTP server. 

Other events such as the StateChanged, Disconnected, CommandSent and ReplyReceived events can also be used to display information during an FTP operation.


The following example demonstrates how to use the FileTransferStatus and SendingFile events to display progressing information while uploading files to an FTP server. It will also demonstrates how to use the CommandSent and ReplyReceived events to provide logging information during the process 

This example assumes that you are in a Windows application and that the form contains 2 labels, 2 progress bars and a listbox.

VB.NET Copy Code

Dim ftp As New FtpClient()

AddHandler ftp.FileTransferStatus, AddressOf Me.file_transfer
AddHandler ftp.SendingFile, AddressOf Me.sending_file
AddHandler ftp.CommandSent, AddressOf Me.command_sent
AddHandler ftp.ReplyReceived, AddressOf Me.reply_received

ftp.Connect( "localhost" )

ftp.SendMultipleFiles( "C:\Demos\*", True, True )


RemoveHandler ftp.FileTransferStatus, AddressOf Me.file_transfer
RemoveHandler ftp.SendingFile, AddressOf Me.sending_file
RemoveHandler ftp.CommandSent, AddressOf Me.command_sent
RemoveHandler ftp.ReplyReceived, AddressOf Me.reply_received

Private Sub file_transfer(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FileTransferStatusEventArgs)

  If e.BytesTransferred = 0 Then
    label2.Text = "Receiving file " + e.LocalFilename
    label1.Text = "Receiving file #" + e.FilesTransferred.ToString() + _
                  " of " + e.FilesTotal.ToString()

  End If

  progressBar2.Value = e.BytesPercent
  progressBar1.Value = e.AllBytesPercent
End Sub

Private Sub sending_file(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TransferringFileEventArgs)

  listBox1.Items.Add("SENDING " + e.LocalFilename.ToUpper() + _
                     " TO " + e.RemoteFilename.ToUpper())
End Sub

Private Sub command_sent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandSentEventArgs)

  listBox1.Items.Add(">> " + e.Command)
  listBox1.SelectedItem = listBox1.Items.Count - 1
End Sub

Private Sub reply_received(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ReplyReceivedEventArgs)

  Dim line As String
  For Each line In e.Reply.Lines

    listBox1.Items.Add("<<" + line)
  Next line

  listBox1.SelectedItem = listBox1.Items.Count - 1

End Sub

C# Copy Code
FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient();
ftp.FileTransferStatus += new FileTransferStatusEventHandler( this.file_transfer );
ftp.SendingFile += new TransferringFileEventHandler( this.sending_file );
ftp.CommandSent += new CommandSentEventHandler( this.command_sent );           
ftp.ReplyReceived += new ReplyReceivedEventHandler( this.reply_received );
ftp.Connect( "localhost" );
ftp.SendMultipleFiles( @"C:\Demos\*", true, true );
ftp.FileTransferStatus -= new FileTransferStatusEventHandler( this.file_transfer );
ftp.SendingFile -= new TransferringFileEventHandler( this.sending_file );
ftp.CommandSent -= new CommandSentEventHandler( this.command_sent );           
ftp.ReplyReceived -= new ReplyReceivedEventHandler( this.reply_received );
private void file_transfer( object sender, FileTransferStatusEventArgs e )
  if( e.BytesTransferred == 0 )
    label2.Text = "Receiving file " + e.LocalFilename;
    label1.Text = "Receiving file #" + e.FilesTransferred.ToString() + 
                  " of " + e.FilesTotal.ToString();
  progressBar2.Value = e.BytesPercent;      
  progressBar1.Value = e.AllBytesPercent;      
private void sending_file( object sender, TransferringFileEventArgs e )
  listBox1.Items.Add( "SENDING " + e.LocalFilename.ToUpper() + " TO " +
                      e.RemoteFilename.ToUpper() );
private void command_sent( object sender, CommandSentEventArgs e )
  listBox1.Items.Add( ">> " + e.Command );
  listBox1.SelectedItem = listBox1.Items.Count - 1;
private void reply_received( object sender, ReplyReceivedEventArgs e )
  foreach( string line in e.Reply.Lines )
    listBox1.Items.Add( "<<" + line );
  listBox1.SelectedItem = listBox1.Items.Count - 1;

Things you should consider

  • Do you want to know the state of the FTP client? Check the Connected and Busy properties. You can also check the State property for specific state information. The StateChanged event can also be used to know when the state of the FTP client changes. 

  • Do you want to continue a multiple-file transfer (when using the ReceiveMultipleFiles or SendingMultipleFiles methods) when one or more of the files being transferred causes an error? Handle the MultipleFileTransferError event. 

  • Do you want to prevent routers from prematurely closing the command channel while a long data transfer is taking place. Set the KeepAliveInterval property.