Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
FTP capabilities

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > FTP capabilities

In addition to the FtpClient class, which provides quick and easy access to FTP functionalities in the same style as the ActiveX version of Xceed's FTP library, the Xceed.Ftp namespace also exposes the FtpConnection, FtpFolder, and FtpFile classes which work together to create the FTP FileSystem implementation. Note: Unless otherwise stated, references to Xceed FTP for .NET apply to Xceed FTP for .NET Compact Framework.


FtpConnection class

The FtpConnection class represents a connection between a client and an FTP server.  The FtpConnection class implements the IDisposable interface meaning that every FtpConnection object that is created should also be disposed of by calling the Dispose method or, in C#, creating the FtpConnection within a using block. If an instance of an FtpConnection object is not disposed of, connections with the FTP server may remain active until the FTP server times-out or the garbage-collector passes. 

The FtpConnection will create connections with the FTP server transparently and as necessary until it is disposed of. To prevent connections with an FTP server from being kept alive, the CloseConnections method can be called. The CloseConnections method will close any connections that are not being used; however, the FtpConnection instance will remain usable. 

To test if a connection with the specified FTP server is possible before the FtpConnection instance is passed to FtpFile or FtpFolder objects, the TestConnection method can be used. If a connection with an FTP server is not possible, exceptions will be thrown when trying to access properties of the FtpFile and/or FtpFolder instances.

VB.NET Copy Code

Dim connection As FtpConnection

  ' Any code that uses the FtpConnection object should be placed
  ' between the creation and disposal of the FtpConnection instance.
  connection = New FtpConnection( "ftp.server.com" )

  Dim source As New FtpFolder( connection )
  Dim destination As New DiskFolder( "d:\ftp_download" )
  source.CopyFilesTo( destination, False, True )
End Try

C# Copy Code

using( FtpConnection connection = new FtpConnection( "ftp.server.com" ) )
  // Any code that uses the FtpConnection object should be placed
  // between the creation and disposal of the FtpConnection instance.
  FtpFolder folder = new FtpFolder( connection );

  foreach( FileSystemItem item in folder.GetItems( true ) )
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( item.FullName );

FtpFolder class

The FtpFolder class is a specialization of the AbstractFolder class that exposes properties and methods that provide access to a folder located on an FTP server.

FtpFile class

The FtpFile class is a specialization of the AbstractFile class that exposes properties and methods that provide access to a file located on an FTP server.