Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Connecting to an SFTP server
Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Task-Based Help > SFTP capabilities > Connecting to an SFTP server

The following example demonstrates how to connect to a SSH server, setup a SFTP session and perform file operations like uploading and downloading files.

using Xceed.SSH.Client;
using Xceed.SSH.Protocols;
using Xceed.SSH.Core;

using Xceed.FileSystem;

namespace DocumentationExamples.SSH
  class ConnectingToASFtpServerExample1
    static void Example()
      string hostName = "sftptest.dreamhosters.com";
      int portNumber = 0;

      string username = "snippet_sftp";
      string password = "9MNfGgSx";

      SSHClient ssh;

      // Create a SSHClient object
      ssh = new SSHClient();

      // Optional. When debugging, it is very useful to capture trace messages from the component.
      // We assign a trace writer early so that all trace messages are captured. Most errors occur during connection.
      // Any System.IO.TextWriter can be assigned here.
      //ssh.TraceWriter = Console.Out;
      // Or...
      //ssh.TraceWriter = new StreamWriter( @"D:\Log\XceedSFtp.log", true );

      // Connect the SSHClient to the specified host using the specified port number
        ssh.Connect( hostName, portNumber );
      // These exception can be thrown by a call to Connect()
      catch( SSHIdentificationStringException )
        // This means the component was unable to identify the server as a SSH server
      catch( SSHKeyExchangeException )
        // This means the client and the server failed to negotiate terms for a connection
        // This usually indicates an interoperability problem with certain old or broken servers
      catch( UnsupportedSSHProtocolException )
        // This means the server is using a version of the SSH protocol that is not supported.
      catch( SSHTimeoutException )
        // This means the client did not receive a response from the server within the required
        // time. This usually indicate a problem with the Internet connection or an interoperability
        // problem between the server and the client.

          // Authenticate ourselves to the server using the specified username and password combination
          ssh.Authenticate( username, password );
        // These exceptions can be thrown by a call to Authenticate()
        catch( SSHIncorrectPasswordException )
          // This means the authentication method is supported by the server but the password
          // was incorrect for the specified username 
        catch( SSHAuthenticationPartialSuccessException )
          // This means the authentication was successful but the server requires an additional authentication
          // using another method specified in the exception information
        catch( SSHUnsupportedAuthenticationMethodException )
          // This means the authentication method is not supported by the server
        catch( SSHAuthenticationFailedException )
          // This means the authentication method failed

        // Create an SFtp session object based on the SSH client we have setup
        using( SFtpSession sftp = new SFtpSession( ssh ) )
          Upload1( sftp );
          Download1( sftp );
      catch( FileSystemIOException )
      catch( SSHTimeoutException )
        // This means the client did not receive a response from the server within the required
        // time. This usually indicate a problem with the Internet connection or an interoperability
        // problem between the server and the client.
        // Disconnect from the SSH server

    static void Upload1( SFtpSession sftp )
      // Create an events object
      FileSystemEvents events = new FileSystemEvents();

      // Handle the ByteProgression event
      events.ByteProgression += new ByteProgressionEventHandler( OnByteProgression );

      // Handle the ItemProgression event
      events.ItemProgression += new ItemProgressionEventHandler( OnItemProgression );

      // Select a local file
      AbstractFile localFile = new DiskFile( "D:\\SomeFile.dat" );
      // Select a remote folder to put the file in
      AbstractFolder remoteFolder = new SFtpFolder( sftp );
      // Upload the local file to the remote folder
      localFile.CopyTo( remoteFolder, true );

      // Select a specific remote file name for our upload
      AbstractFile remoteFile = remoteFolder.GetFile( "MyContextSpecicFileName.dat" );

      /* Progression can be tracked by passing a properly setup FileSystemEvents object
       * to the file operation method. */

      // Upload the local file to the remote file
      localFile.CopyTo( events, null, remoteFile, true );

      // Select a local folder
      AbstractFolder localFolder = new DiskFolder( "D:\\SomeFolder" );

      // Upload all the files with the .xml extension in the local folder to the remote folder 
      localFolder.CopyFilesTo( events, null, remoteFolder, true, true, "*.xml" );

      /* When all files need to be selected for an operation, it's more efficient to not specify
       * any filter than to use a "*" or "*.*" filter. */

      // Upload all the files in the local folder to the remote folder 
      localFolder.CopyFilesTo( events, null, remoteFolder, true, true );

    static void Download1( SFtpSession sftp )
      // Create an events object
      FileSystemEvents events = new FileSystemEvents();

      // Handle the ByteProgression event
      events.ByteProgression += new ByteProgressionEventHandler( OnByteProgression );

      // Handle the ItemProgression event
      events.ItemProgression += new ItemProgressionEventHandler( OnItemProgression );

      // Select a remote file
      AbstractFile remoteFile = new SFtpFile( sftp, "SomeFile.dat" );

      // Select a local folder to put the file in
      AbstractFolder localFolder = new DiskFolder( "D:\\DownloadedFiles" );

      // Download the remote file to the local folder
      remoteFile.CopyTo( localFolder, true );

      // Select a specific local file name for our download
      AbstractFile localFile = localFolder.GetFile( "MyContextSpecicFileName.dat" );

      /* Progression can be tracked by passing a properly setup FileSystemEvents object
       * to the file operation method. */

      // Download the remote file to the local file
      remoteFile.CopyTo( events, null, localFile, true );

      // Select a remote folder
      AbstractFolder remoteFolder = new SFtpFolder( sftp, "SomeFolder" );

      // Download all the files with the .xml extension in the remote folder to the local folder 
      remoteFolder.CopyFilesTo( events, null, localFolder, true, true, "*.xml" );

      /* When all files need to be selected for an operation, it's more efficient to not specify
       * any filter than to use a "*" or "*.*" filter. */

      // Download all the files in the remote folder to the local folder 
      remoteFolder.CopyFilesTo( events, null, localFolder, true, true );

    static void OnItemProgression( object sender, ItemProgressionEventArgs e )
      // Report progress
      Console.WriteLine( "{0}/{1} ({2}%): {3}%", e.AllItems.Processed, e.AllItems.Total, e.AllItems.Percent, e.TargetItem.FullName );

    static void OnByteProgression( object sender, ByteProgressionEventArgs e )
      // Report progress
      Console.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}%", e.TargetItem.Name, e.CurrentFileBytes.Percent );
Imports Xceed.SSH.Client
Imports Xceed.SSH.Protocols
Imports Xceed.SSH.Core

Imports Xceed.FileSystem

Namespace DocumentationExamples.SSH
  Friend Class ConnectingToASFtpServerExample1
    Private Shared Sub Example()
      Dim hostName As String = "sftptest.dreamhosters.com"
      Dim portNumber As Integer = 0

      Dim username As String = "snippet_sftp"
      Dim password As String = "9MNfGgSx"

      Dim ssh As SSHClient

      ' Create a SSHClient object
      ssh = New SSHClient()

      ' Optional. When debugging, it is very useful to capture trace messages from the component.
      ' We assign a trace writer early so that all trace messages are captured. Most errors occur during connection.
      ' Any System.IO.TextWriter can be assigned here.
      'ssh.TraceWriter = Console.Out;
      ' Or...
      'ssh.TraceWriter = new StreamWriter( @"D:\Log\XceedSFtp.log", true );

      ' Connect the SSHClient to the specified host using the specified port number
        ssh.Connect(hostName, portNumber)
      ' These exception can be thrown by a call to Connect()
      Catch e1 As SSHIdentificationStringException
        ' This means the component was unable to identify the server as a SSH server
      Catch e2 As SSHKeyExchangeException
        ' This means the client and the server failed to negotiate terms for a connection
        ' This usually indicates an interoperability problem with certain old or broken servers
      Catch e3 As UnsupportedSSHProtocolException
        ' This means the server is using a version of the SSH protocol that is not supported.
      Catch e4 As SSHTimeoutException
        ' This means the client did not receive a response from the server within the required
        ' time. This usually indicate a problem with the Internet connection or an interoperability
        ' problem between the server and the client.
      End Try

          ' Authenticate ourselves to the server using the specified username and password combination
          ssh.Authenticate(username, password)
        ' These exceptions can be thrown by a call to Authenticate()
        Catch e5 As SSHIncorrectPasswordException
          ' This means the authentication method is supported by the server but the password
          ' was incorrect for the specified username 
        Catch e6 As SSHAuthenticationPartialSuccessException
          ' This means the authentication was successful but the server requires an additional authentication
          ' using another method specified in the exception information
        Catch e7 As SSHUnsupportedAuthenticationMethodException
          ' This means the authentication method is not supported by the server
        Catch e8 As SSHAuthenticationFailedException
          ' This means the authentication method failed
        End Try

        ' Create an SFtp session object based on the SSH client we have setup
        Using sftp As New SFtpSession(ssh)
        End Using
      Catch e9 As FileSystemIOException
      Catch e10 As SSHTimeoutException
        ' This means the client did not receive a response from the server within the required
        ' time. This usually indicate a problem with the Internet connection or an interoperability
        ' problem between the server and the client.
        ' Disconnect from the SSH server
      End Try
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub Upload1(ByVal sftp As SFtpSession)
      ' Create an events object
      Dim events As New FileSystemEvents()

      ' Handle the ByteProgression event
      AddHandler events.ByteProgression, AddressOf OnByteProgression

      ' Handle the ItemProgression event
      AddHandler events.ItemProgression, AddressOf OnItemProgression

      ' Select a local file
      Dim localFile As AbstractFile = New DiskFile("D:\SomeFile.dat")

      ' Select a remote folder to put the file in
      Dim remoteFolder As AbstractFolder = New SFtpFolder(sftp)

      ' Upload the local file to the remote folder
      localFile.CopyTo(remoteFolder, True)

      ' Select a specific remote file name for our upload
      Dim remoteFile As AbstractFile = remoteFolder.GetFile("MyContextSpecicFileName.dat")

'       Progression can be tracked by passing a properly setup FileSystemEvents object
'       * to the file operation method. 

      ' Upload the local file to the remote file
      localFile.CopyTo(events, Nothing, remoteFile, True)

      ' Select a local folder
      Dim localFolder As AbstractFolder = New DiskFolder("D:\SomeFolder")

      ' Upload all the files with the .xml extension in the local folder to the remote folder 
      localFolder.CopyFilesTo(events, Nothing, remoteFolder, True, True, "*.xml")

'       When all files need to be selected for an operation, it's more efficient to not specify
'       * any filter than to use a "*" or "*.*" filter. 

      ' Upload all the files in the local folder to the remote folder 
      localFolder.CopyFilesTo(events, Nothing, remoteFolder, True, True)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub Download1(ByVal sftp As SFtpSession)
      ' Create an events object
      Dim events As New FileSystemEvents()

      ' Handle the ByteProgression event
      AddHandler events.ByteProgression, AddressOf OnByteProgression

      ' Handle the ItemProgression event
      AddHandler events.ItemProgression, AddressOf OnItemProgression

      ' Select a remote file
      Dim remoteFile As AbstractFile = New SFtpFile(sftp, "SomeFile.dat")

      ' Select a local folder to put the file in
      Dim localFolder As AbstractFolder = New DiskFolder("D:\DownloadedFiles")

      ' Download the remote file to the local folder
      remoteFile.CopyTo(localFolder, True)

      ' Select a specific local file name for our download
      Dim localFile As AbstractFile = localFolder.GetFile("MyContextSpecicFileName.dat")

'       Progression can be tracked by passing a properly setup FileSystemEvents object
'       * to the file operation method. 

      ' Download the remote file to the local file
      remoteFile.CopyTo(events, Nothing, localFile, True)

      ' Select a remote folder
      Dim remoteFolder As AbstractFolder = New SFtpFolder(sftp, "SomeFolder")

      ' Download all the files with the .xml extension in the remote folder to the local folder 
      remoteFolder.CopyFilesTo(events, Nothing, localFolder, True, True, "*.xml")

'       When all files need to be selected for an operation, it's more efficient to not specify
'       * any filter than to use a "*" or "*.*" filter. 

      ' Download all the files in the remote folder to the local folder 
      remoteFolder.CopyFilesTo(events, Nothing, localFolder, True, True)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub OnItemProgression(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ItemProgressionEventArgs)
      ' Report progress
      Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1} ({2}%): {3}%", e.AllItems.Processed, e.AllItems.Total, e.AllItems.Percent, e.TargetItem.FullName)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub OnByteProgression(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ByteProgressionEventArgs)
      ' Report progress
      Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}%", e.TargetItem.Name, e.CurrentFileBytes.Percent)
    End Sub
  End Class
End Namespace
See Also