Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
The synchronization parameters
Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > Synchronization > The synchronization parameters

Various parameters can be passed to the synchronization methods to initiate and control the process. The table below lists and summarizes these parameters. When passed to the EasySynchronize method, parameters can be in any order.

Parameter type Description
FileSystemItem, AbstractFile, AbstractFolder, derived types; arrays of these types Added to the list of items to synchronize.
Other object arrays, arrays within an array, any object that implements the IEnumerable interface Recursively scanned as parameters to parse.
FileSystemEvents Raises FileSystem events.
SynchronizationEvents Raises synchronization events.
Filter or Filter[] Added to the item filter list.
Int32 Specifies the index of the master item for the synchronization. The master item will be considered to be up to date and will be used to replace other items.
Int32[] Contains indexes into the item list, which identify irrelevant items in the item list. An irrelevant item is an item that is barred from being viewed as the master item.
SynchronizationOptions Controls how the method behaves in various situations. See The synchronization options for more details.
FileSystemEventsUserDataParameter A wrapper type containing an object that specifies opaque data that will be passed back to the event handler of both FileSystem and synchronization events when they are raised.
SynchronizationEventsUserDataParameter A wrapper type containing an object that specifies opaque data that will be passed back to the event handler of synchronization events when they are raised.
UserDataParameter A wrapper type containing an object that specifies opaque data that will be passed back to the event handler of both FileSystem and synchronization events when they are raised.
MetadataItemParameter A wrapper type containing a FileSystemItem that specifies a location where metadata about the synchronization will be loaded and saved.
MasterItemParameter A wrapper type containing a
FileSystemItem that specifies the master item for the synchronization. (Its index in the item list will be used.)
IrrelevantItemsParameter A wrapper type containing a FileSystemItem[] that specifies FileSystemItems that are to be considered irrelevant when the synchronization is determining which item is the master. These values will be ignored if an Int32[] is supplied in the parameters.
SynchronizeCommandParameter.ResetItemList The list of items to synchronize up to this point is cleared.
SynchronizeCommandParameter.ResetFilterList The list of item filters up to this point is cleared.
SynchronizeCommandParameter.ResetIrrelevantItemIndexList The list of irrelevant item indexes up to this point is cleared.
SynchronizeCommandParameter.ResetParameters All the parameters passed up to this point are cleared, including the items to synchronize.