Xceed .NET Libraries Documentation
Removing items from a zip file

Welcome to Xceed Data Manipulation Compoents for .NET and .NET Standard > Basic Concepts > Zip and streaming capabilities > Removing items from a zip file

This topic demonstrates how to remove items from a folder by retrieving a reference to a file within a zip file.

Basic steps

To remove an item from a zip file, the following steps must be performed:

  • Retrieve a reference to a file contained within the zip file using the ZippedFile class. 

  • Once we have a reference to a file we verify the Exists property to make sure that the file actually exists. 

  • Call the Delete method to delete the file.


This example demonstrates how to remove a file from within a zip file.

VB.NET Copy Code

Imports Xceed.Zip
Imports Xceed.FileSystem

Dim f As New ZippedFile( New DiskFile( "c:\test.zip" ), "file.txt" ) 

If f.Exists Then
End If

C# Copy Code

using Xceed.Zip;
using Xceed.FileSystem;

ZippedFile f = new ZippedFile( new DiskFile( @"c:\test.zip" ), "file.txt" ); 

if( f.Exists )

Things you should consider

The main questions you should ask yourself when removing items from a zip file are:

  • Do you want to filter (specify specific files and folders) the items that are to be deleted? Use filters

  • Do you want to display the status of the operation? See the Events topic. 

  • Do you want to remove a specific folder? Create an instance of a ZippedFolder object rather than a ZippedFile object 

  • Do you already have a reference on a folder? Use the GetFolder or GetFile method to retrieve a reference on the file or folder to remove. 

  • Do you only want to do basic zip file operations? Use the QuickZip class.