Más información Cuadernos Xeed para .NET
We continue our overview of the changes in Workbooks for .NET v1.2.
ThemeColor Class
A ThemeColor class was added, which is used to represent a Theme‘s color.
The ThemeColor class has the following properties:
Tint: the ThemeColor's tint. Values are from -1 (dark) to +1 (light); 0 by default.
Type: the ThemeColor's type.
The available types for ThemeColor currently include:
Accent1, Accent2, Accent3, Accent4, Accent5, Accent6
Background1, Background2
FollowedHyperlink, Hyperlink
Text1, Text2
Note: properties that cover the same element are mutually exclusive. For example on the Fill class, setting a value on BackgroundThemeColor will set BackgroundColor to null, and vice versa.
Modify ThemeColor on Border and Font
A ThemeColor property was added to the Frontera y Font classes to specify the Theme’s colors. The ThemeColor property is of type ThemeColor.
// Setting the ThemeColor
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var worksheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Border
worksheet.Cells[ "B15", "C17" ].Style.Borders[ BorderType.Right ].ThemeColor = new ThemeColor( ThemeColorType.Accent1, -0.5d );
// Font
worksheet.Cells[ "C18" ].Style.Font = new Font() { ThemeColor = new ThemeColor( ThemeColorType.Text2, -0.5d ) };
// save the modifications
Modify BackgroundThemeColor and PatternThemeColor on Fill
Two new properties were added to the Fill class:
BackgroundThemeColor: used for filling the background of a Cell, Row, Column or range; null by default.
PatternThemeColor: used for filling a Cell, Row, Column or range; null by default. The Cell, Row, Column or range are filled based on the PatternStyle property.
Both the BackgroundThemeColor y PatternThemeColor properties are of type ThemeColor.
// Setting BackgroundThemeColor and PatternThemeColor
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var worksheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Fill
worksheet.Cells[ "C12" ].Style.Fill = new Fill() { PatternStyle = FillPattern.ThinDiagonalCrosshatch, BackgroundThemeColor = new ThemeColor( ThemeColorType.Background1, -0.5d ), PatternThemeColor = new ThemeColor( ThemeColorType.Accent4, -0.5d ) };
// save the modifications
Modify TabThemeColor on Worksheet
A TabThemeColor property was added to the Hoja de trabajo class to specify the theme color for the worksheet’s tabs; null by default. The TabThemeColor property is of type ThemeColor.
// Setting the ThemeColor
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var worksheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
worksheet.TabThemeColor = new ThemeColor( ThemeColorType.Accent5, -0.5d );
// save the modifications
Modify Borders on Style
A Borders se ha añadido la propiedad Style class to customize the look of the borders. The Borders property is a BorderCollection type object.
The BorderCollection class has the following methods:
SetDiagonals: Sets the DiagonalUp and DiagonalDown borders using the same lineStyle and color.
SetInside: Sets the Horizontal and Vertical Borders using the same lineStyle and color.
SetOutline: Sets the Left, Right, Top and Bottom Borders using the same lineStyle and color.
SetThemeDiagonals: Sets the DiagonalUp and DiagonalDown Borders using the same lineStyle and themeColor.
SetThemeInside: Sets the Horizontal and Vertical Borders using the same lineStyle and themeColor.
SetThemeOutline: Sets the Left, Right, Top and Bottom Borders using the same lineStyle and themeColor.
// Setting the Borders on a Style
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var worksheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
// Specify the borders
var cellRange = worksheet.Cells[ "B15", "C17" ];
cellRange.Style.Borders.SetInside( LineStyle.Medium, Color.DarkGreen );
cellRange.Style.Borders.SetOutline( LineStyle.Medium, Color.DarkGreen );
// save the modifications
Modify Fill on Style
A Fill se ha añadido la propiedad Style class to customize the look of the fill. The Fill property is a Fill type object.
The Fill class has the following properties:
BackgroundColor: the Color used for filling the background of a Cell, Row, Column or range; null by default.
BackgroundThemeColor: the ThemeColor used for filling the background of a Cell, Row, Column or range; null by default.
PatternColor: the Color of the pattern used for filling a Cell, Row, Column or range; null by default. This will be based on the PatternStyle property.
PatternStyle: the Style of the pattern used for filling a Cell, Row, Column or range; FillPattern.None by default. These will be filled based on the PatternColor property.
PatternThemeColor: the ThemeColor of the pattern used for filling a Cell, Row, Column or range; null by default. The Cell, Row, Column or range are filled based on the PatternStyle property.
// Setting the Fill on a Style
using( var document = Workbook.Load( "testDoc.xlsx" ));
var worksheet = document.Worksheets[ 0 ];
worksheet.Cells[ "C12" ].Style.Fill = new Fill() { PatternStyle = FillPattern.ThinDiagonalCrosshatch, PatternColor = Color.Green, BackgroundColor = Color.Blue };
// save the modifications
More to come in Part IV, stay tuned!
Para más información, consulte el documentación.