Forma rápida y sencilla de abrir documentos Excel xlsx en C#

Manipular archivos xlsx en .NET puede parecer complicado y tedioso, sin embargo, hacerlo sólo requiere unas pocas líneas de código al utilizar Xceed Workbooks para .NET.

Manipulating xlsx files in .NET can appear complicated and tedious however, doing so only requires a few lines of codes while using Xceed Workbooks for .NET. Let’s look at a quick example :

To Open an existing xlsx :

using( var doc = Workbook.Load( "test.xlsx") ) // Loads an existing Workbook named “test.xlsx”.
var worksheet = doc.Worksheets[ 1 ]; // Gets the second worksheet.
worksheet.Cells[ “A2” ].Value = 12; // Sets a value in “A2”.
var stream = new MemoryStream();
doc.SaveAs( stream); // Saves the result in a stream.

var stream = new MemoryStream();
using( var doc = Workbook.Create( stream ) ) // Creates a workbook in a stream.
var worksheet = doc.Worksheets[ 1 ]; // Gets the second worksheet.
worksheet.Cells[ “A2” ].Value = 12; // Sets a value in “A2”.
worksheet.Columns[ 1 ].Cells[ 0 ].Formula = “=SUM(A1:A2)”; //Sets a formula in “B1”.
doc.CalculateFormulas(); // Calculate the Value of “B1”, which contains a formula and for all other Worksheets containing cells with formulas.
doc.Save(); // Saves the Workbook in the stream.

As you can see, with just a few lines of codes you’ll be able to create/modify/load workbooks. We offer a trial version of the product should you want to try it for yourself. We’re available on both Nuget and directly on our website : (click on try it now).

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Have fun!