VSLive! From Frankfurt to Beautiful Las Vegas

This week, we’re attending VSLive! in Las Vegas, and it’s been fascinating to compare the differences in tech stacks between Europe and North America. Once again, we’re here to showcase Xceed’s powerful .NET solutions and connect with developers who rely on our tools.

Europe vs. North America: Key Trends in .NET Development

One of the biggest takeaways from this event has been the contrast between the technologies developers use in these regions. Full disclosure—this is purely based on my observations from speaking with a few hundred attendees, so take it with a grain of salt!

At Basta! in Frankfurt, the dominant stack was Angular + .NET, with many developers integrating both technologies into their workflows. Here in Las Vegas, however, Blazor has emerged as a major player.

This sparked some great discussions, and I made sure to highlight how Xceed provides solutions for both worlds. Xceed DataGrid for JavaScript fits seamlessly into both Blazor y Angular applications, while our extensive .NET librarieswork across any environment that runs .NET.

Clarifying Xceed’s Cross-Platform Support

One thing we need to communicate more clearly: Xceed products work in any environment that supports .NET. Whether you’re building a WinForms app, an ASP.NET project, a Blazor site, or a multi-platform solution, our tools integrate seamlessly. We already provide samples on some of our GitHub pages, and I’ll be making sure to publicize those more.

.NET MAUI: Performance and User Concerns

We also had some insightful conversations with .NET MAUI developers, many of whom are interested in our Toolkit but share one common concern: performance. As a component vendor, we completely understand this frustration. We’ve explored numerous optimizations for our own controls and have achieved performance improvements that often exceed the default framework controls.

That said, we had to take a platform-specific approach—building each control to work directly with its respective platform’s API. The generic “.ToPlatform” function, which converts a XAML control to a native MAUI control, tends to introduce performance bottlenecks.

While Microsoft is actively working on improving MAUI’s performance, we believe that if you’re building a desktop application today, existing technologies like WPF may still offer better performance in certain scenarios.

Thank You for an Amazing Event!

A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth, asked questions, and shared their insights. It’s always inspiring to connect with the developer community and learn how Xceed can continue to support your work.

Looking forward to more great discussions at future events!