15 de noviembre de 2021

Xceed Words para .NET es ahora compatible con Windows 11. Se han realizado muchas mejoras en las funciones de conversión de documentos y PDF.

Xceed Words para .NET 2.1

  • Xceed Words for .NET is now supported by Windows 11.
  • A footer containing a table will no longer be displayed over the body of the page.
  • Hyperlink now has two new properties, Anchor and Type, that respectively gets more information about the hyperlink’s type and gets/sets the anchor’s value.
  • Series now has two new properties: Marker and DataPoints.
  • DataPoints now has a Marker property.
  • The Marker class will now allow you to customize the markers.
  • Document.AddChart will now be used for chart creation. It is recommended to use it as soon possible.
  • In Chart, Picture, SignatureLine, Table and Shape, the new WrapStyle and WrapTextPosition properties are now available to customize the text wrapping. These properties are used instead of the old WrappingStyle and WrapText properties, whose types were confusing.
  • In Table and Cells, a new property, called ShadingPattern, can now be used to set Fill, Style and StyleColor on the whole table or on specific cells. Note that the Shading property is now obsolete.
  • In Document, adding new images when images are already included in the body, headers and/or footers now gives these new images unique ids, resulting in a readable final document.
  • In Document, a new property, called ParagraphFormattings, returns the list of all formatting styles used to format paragraphs in the document.
  • In Document, a new method, called InsertDocument, is now available to insert a document at a specific point in another document.
  • In Document, joining 2 documents containing images in the header/footer now joins these images in the resulting document.
  • In Document, the performance for retrieving paragraphs was improved.
  • In Document, applying a template to a document now imports the images.
  • In Document, merging an empty document with a non-empty document now preserves the paragraphs’ default formatting and keeps the tables’ indentations.
  • In Document, making a copy of a document in order to use it later no longer creates an ObjectDisposedException.
  • In Document, the InsertDocument method now has a useSectionBreak parameter that can be used to put the inserted document in its own section if needed.
  • In Document, the method ReplaceText now replaces the expected text when the document contains shapes.
  • In Document, the InsertDocument method now puts the section break at the right place if the document contains no paragraph.
  • Saving a pdf that contains tables now correctly positions the paragraphs found inside of the table’s cells.
  • In PDF Conversion, saving a docx that contains tables and converting it to PDF now correctly positions the paragraphs found inside of the table’s cells.
  • In PDF Conversion, a footer containing a table is no longer displayed over the body of the page.
  • In PDF Conversion, lines of text are no longer duplicated when paragraphs are split on 2 pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraph spacing now respects the paragraph’s line spacing when spacing is set to “exactly”.
  • In PDF Conversion, using lineSpacing in a table’s paragraph now correctly sets the table’s row height.
  • In PDF Conversion, images are no longer cropped when they do not contain crop properties.
  • In PDF Conversion, vertical spacing between a Table’s cells now respect the original spacing. In addition, the Table’s rows are no longer repeated when a table is split on 2 pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, the content alignment of cells in a Table now respects the right-side indentation. In addition, vertically merged cells located between horizontally merged cells now respects vertical alignment.
  • In Paragraph, the MagicText.Formatting property now returns the correct formatting for a specific text.
  • In Paragraph, the InsertPageNumber(), AppendPageNumber(), InsertPageCount() and AppendPageCount() methods now accept a null format parameter. This allows Section.PageNumberType to format page numbers.
  • In Paragraph, a new method, called ShaddingPattern, can now be used to set a ShaddingPattern on a specific paragraph or text in a paragraph.
  • In Section, a new method, called Remove(), is now available to remove a section from the Document.
  • In Section, a new property, called PageNumberType, adds more formatting options for page numbers, like page number start, format, chapter style and separator. This creates a breaking change, since the property Section.PageNumberStart is now found in Section.PageNumberType.PageNumberStart.
  • In Section, adding a picture into a cell in a table no longer throws a NullRefException because PackagePart is null.
  • In Chart, new properties are now available to wrap text around the charts.
  • Chart’s Axis now has the property ReverseOrientation that allows the user to change the display order of Min & Max values of the Axis.
  • Chart’s Value axis now has the properties Max, Min, LogBase that allow to customize the numbers on the axis.
  • In Axis, a new property, TitleFormat, can now be used to get/set the formatting of an axis’ title.
  • In Axis, the minor and major tick marks types can now be set with the enum TickMarksTypes.
  • In ValueAxis, major and minor tick marks units can now be set with a Double?.
  • In Theming, the Chart’s HintLine and HintLabels can now be themed.
  • In Formatting, a new property, called ShaddingPattern, can now be used to set a ShaddingPattern on a Formatting object.
  • In ShadingPattern, modifying a single property now updates the parent element.

Xceed Workbooks para .NET 1.0

  • Xceed Workbooks for .NET is now offered as a beta for Document Libraries users.