14 de mayo de 2022

Xceed ha lanzado una nueva versión de Toolkit Plus para WPF, Words para .Net y Workbooks para .Net con muchas mejoras y correcciones de errores.

Xceed Workbooks para .NET 1.2

  • The .Net5/6/Standard version of Workbooks no longer depends on the System.Drawing.Common package because, starting at .NET6, this package supports only the Windows OS.
  • Text direction can now be set from right to left for languages that require it.
  • Border, Fill, Font and Worksheet can now use either ThemeColor or the more standard Color to customize the colors of different objects.
  • In CellRange, ColumnRange and RowRange, the Style property can now be used to modify a style on a group of Cells, Columns or Rows.
  • In CellRange, ColumnRange and RowRange, the new Elements property now returns all the Cells, Columns or Rows from the range.
  • In Column, the AutoFit method no longer shrinks a column’s Width to 0 when the column has no cell values.
  • In Columns, the speed for inserting or deleting columns has been improved.
  • In ColumnRange, setting the new Width property can modify the width of all columns in the range; getting it can retrieve the common width of columns in the range.
  • In Row and RowRange, the AutoFit() method can now be called to adjust the height of the row (or rows) automatically.
  • In RowRange, setting the new Height property can modify the height of all rows in the range; getting it can retrieve the common height of rows in the range.
  • It is now possible to retrieve RowRanges using the new indexer in RowCollection, which accepts a startRowId and a EndRowId.
  • A new ColorHelper class is now available to convert a color between ThemeColor, int, argb, Color or an HTML string.
  • In HyperlinkCollection, optimizations were made in order to improve the loading and saving time for workbooks containing many hyperlinks.
  • Workbooks now has a MergedCellCollection class that will be used to merge and center the cells in a worksheet.
  • In Picture, saving is now optimized so that it doesn’t re-write pictures when they remain unchanged.
  • In Picture, the Format property is now of type PictureFormat instead of ImageFormat.
  • Picture now has customizable properties.
  • Styles were refactored in order to take less memory in the user’s application when they stay untouched.
  • Style, Cells, Columns, Rows, ColumnRanges, RowRanges or CellRanges can now have Borders, which have a line style and a color and can be outside, inside, in diagonal or on the four sides of an element.
  • In Styles, optimizations were made in order to reduce delays when many styles are being modified or when a document is saved once many styles have been modified.
  • In Style, a new method, called RevertToDefault(), now sets the style of the cell, row or column back to its default value.
  • In Style, a new property, called Alignment.IsTextWrapped, can now be used to wrap text in a cell.
  • In Style, the new Fill property can now be used to customized the fill behavior of a cell, row, column or range.
  • In Style, the styles of the cells are now written correctly into the document, which prevents the creation of a corrupted document.
  • In Style, using an uninstalled font name no longer throws an invalid exception. As in MS Excel, the font name will be set but a default font will be used for display purposes instead.
  • In Tables, loading and saving has been optimized to improve performance when the workbook contains many tables.
  • In TableCollection, the int indexer now always returns the valid Table based on the Id received.
  • A new property in Workbook, called Theme, is now available to customize the colors of the Workbook’s Theme.
  • In Workbook, writing styles now overrides the cellStyleXfs’s number format Ids and font Ids so that a valid workbook can be saved.
  • In WorkbookView, the insertion of WorkbookViews is now done as follows: Workbook.WorkbookViews.Add( new WorkbookView() );
  • A Worksheet can now be inserted at any position in the workbook.
  • In Worksheet, new methods are now available to insert or delete columns.
  • In Worksheet, the new InsertRows and DeleteRows methods can now be used to insert or delete multiple rows.
  • In Worksheet, inserting and deleting rows is now faster due to performance improvements.
  • In Worksheet, a new ImportData method can now be used to import data of the Array, 2D-Array, ArrayList, ICollection, IDictionary, DataTable, DataView or CSV path/stream type. This new method also includes a parameter that gives more flexibility when importing data of specific types.
  • The Trial watermarked worksheet now displays the trial text using a nicer style.
  • In WorksheetCollection, optimizations were made in order to improve the loading and saving time for workbooks containing many worksheets.

Xceed Words para .NET 2.3

  • In Document, the InsertParagraph(Paragraph p) method now inserts the paragraph’s style in the document.
  • In Document, the FindUniqueByPattern method now returns the elements found in the main body, the headers and the footers of the document.
  • In Document, inserting a document after another, when one or both of those documents contain charts, now correctly outputs a document with those charts.
  • In Document, replacing a text with a table no longer creates an empty paragraph.
  • In Document, the GetPageCount method no longer closes the package after getting the page count.
  • In Document, inserting a paragraph at a specific index or cloning a paragraph no longer throws an out of bound exception.
  • In Document, inserting a document that contains headers and/or footers after another document no longer throws a packageRelationship Id exception.
  • In Header/Footer, it is now possible to use the InsertContent() method to add HTML/RTF content.
  • In PDF Conversion, the table of contents is now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, an InFrontOfText picture or shape now gets drawn in the header or footer when a document contains many different sections.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting the same image twice with one version being cropped now correctly sizes the converted cropped image.
  • In PDF Conversion, merging cells vertically now correctly converts the result to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting a document to PDF no longer throws a null ref exception when using a Table of content with empty links.
  • In PDF Conversion, using complex ListItems values in a list no longer throws an exception because the item is already present in the list.
  • In Table, inserting a row now inserts the same number of cells as in the preceding row.

Xceed Toolkit Plus para WPF 4.4

  • Toolkit’s dlls for .NET5 now works well on a .NET6 application.
  • In AvalonDock, the NavigatorWindow no longer flickers when opened for the first time.
  • In AvalonDock, Belgian-Dutch culture is now supported.
  • In AvalonDock, docking a FloatingWindow in another FloatingWindow no longer doubles the header.
  • In AvalonDock, canceling the closing of a LayoutAnchorable now keeps its content visible.
  • In AvalonDock, floating a LayoutContent contained in a Pane, which itself is contained in a group, now removes the unused panes/groups to resize the remaining pane/groups in the layout using the leftover space.
  • In AvalonDock, setting CacheDocumentTabItems/CacheAnchorablesTabItems to true and floating the last LayoutDocument/LayoutAnchorable no longer displays empty content when the LayoutDocument/LayoutAnchorable is docked back.
  • In AvalonDock, setting FloatingWidth or FloatingHeight on a LayoutContent inside the FloatingWindows.CollectionChanged callback now uses those new values for the floating window that is about to pop-up.
  • In AvalonDock, an invalidOperationException is no longer thrown after floating and maximizing LayoutAnchorables/LayoutDocuments and closing the main Window.
  • In Charts Axis, an exception is no longer thrown when ScaleMode is set to Manual and LabelsType is set to DateTime. This is because the ChartAxisView sample was adjusted to force ScaleMode to Automatic when LabelsType uses the DateTime DataPoints format.
  • In CheckComboBox, the AllItemsSelectedContent property, inherited from Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.Primitives.SelectAllSelector, is now available to get/set the content of the Text property when all items are checked.
  • In DateTimePicker, a Today button has been added on the calendar in order to set the selected date to the current date. Two new properties, called TodayButtonContent and TodayButtonVisibility, have also been added to get/set the button’s content and visibility.
  • In DateTimePicker, a new property, called AutoCloseCalendarOnTimeSelection, can now be used to automatically close the Calendar popup when a new time selection is made.
  • In DateTimePicker, the new TimePickerTimeListItemsStyle property now allows to get/set the style of the TimeListItems objects found in the DateTimePicker’s TimePicker control.
  • In TimePicker, the new TimeListItemsStyle property now allows to get/set the style of the TimeItems objects.
  • In DoubleUpDown, using FormatString and modifying the numerical part no longer removes the decimal part.
  • In ExtendedTabControl, a new property, called PreviousNextButtonsPosition, can now be used to get or set the positions of the Previous/Next Tab buttons.
  • In MaterialDesign LiveExplorer, the DataGrid now defines a value for BorderThickness so that the boundaries of the DataGrid’s border can be seen.
  • In MaterialDesign Theme, all PropertyGrid UpDowns editors now use a default value for their height to avoid changing the height of PropertyItems on mouseover.
  • In Metro Theme, the DropDownButtonContent now displays its default content when a DateTimePicker/TimePicker/CalculatorUpDown control is used in AvalonDock and a CacheDocumentTabItems/CacheAnchorableTabItems is set to true.
  • In NavigatorWindow, two new properties, LayoutAnchorablesLabel and LayoutDocumentsLabel, are now available to get/set the labels representing the NavigatorWindow’s active layout anchorables and layout documents.
  • In PropertyGrid, 2 new events, CategoryExpanded and CategoryCollapsed, are now raised when a category is respectively expanded or collapsed.
  • In SelectAllSelector, a new property, called AllItemsSelectedContent, is now available to get/set the content of the Text property when all items are checked.
  • In TimeSpanUpDown, a new property, called ShowHours, is now available to hide/show the hours.
  • In the WatermarkComboBox control, the WatermarkBackground property can now be used to get/set the control’s background color.
  • In WindowControl, MessageBox and StyleableWindow controls, a new property, called WindowTitleAlignment, can now be used to get/set the horizontal alignment of the controls’ title.