19 de julio de 2021

Esta versión incluye versiones nuevas y mejoradas de DataGrid para Javascript, Toolkit Plus para WPF, Zip para .NET, SFTP para .NET, Words para .NET y PDF Creator para .NET.

Xceed DataGrid for Javascript 1.7

  • Go here to see the details

Xceed Toolkit Plus para WPF 4.2

  • In AvalonDock, the LayoutContent.IsFloating property now raises a PropertyChanged event when a LayoutAnchorable/LayoutDocument starts/ends floating. This allows to add a binding on the IsFloating property.
  • In AvalonDock, floating a LayoutAnchorable no longer shrinks a neighboring LayoutDocument.
  • In AvalonDock, the LayoutItem.CanClose/IsSelected/IsActive/CanTogglePin properties can now be changed dynamically.
  • In AvalonDock, floating a LayoutAnchorable contained in a multi-LayoutAnchorableGroup with specific star sizes no longer resets the sizes of the remaining LayoutItems after the floating.
  • In AvalonDock, moving LayoutDocumentTabItems to reorder them no longer creates a floating window as soon as the mouse leaves the LayoutDocumentTabItem’s top and bottom. Instead, a vertical buffer is now added to create moving smoothness.
  • In PropertyGrid, removing a value from an UpDown editor no longer throws an exception.
  • In PropertyGrid, NullRefException are no longer raised while checking for invalid values of PropertyItems.
  • In PropertyGrid, readonly properties using the type converter EnumDisplayNameConverter now display the converted value with the TextBlockEditor.
  • In PropertyGrid, a new Password editor is now available for all properties using a PasswordPropertyText attribute.
  • In all UpDown controls, new properties are now available to set the width/height of the ButtonSpinner.
  • In all UpDown controls, new properties are now available to easily modify the content of the Up/Down arrows (for both enabled and disabled state).
  • In ButtonSpinner, the property ButtonSpinnerLocation is now obsolete; SpinnerLocation should now be used.
  • In ButtonSpinner, the property ShowButtonSpinner is now obsolete; ShowSpinner should now be used.
  • In CheckComboBox/CheckListBox, doing a “Select All” now only raises an ItemSelectionChangedEvent for the unselected items. Similarly, doing a “UnSelect All” now only raises an ItemSelectionChangedEvent for the selected items.
  • In ChildWindow, the default header background now uses Windows’ default header background.
  • In StyleableWindow, clicking on the header icon now pops the SystemMenu at the left of the window. Clicking again now closes the SystemMenu.
  • In Themes, using the DataGrid now loads data faster.
  • In DataGrid, unused variables are now removed, resulting in no warnings while compiling.
  • In UI Automation, the PropertyGridTextBoxEditor now shows the TextBox content in the automation tool.
  • In ColorPicker, the popup containing many colors now has a scrollbar when the list of colors is too long.
  • In DateTimePicker, the Culture in the application is now set for the DateTimePicker’s Calendar.
  • In CalculatorUpDown, DateTimePicker and TimePicker, new properties are now availables to customize the content of the DropDown button (whether it is enabled or not).
  • All controls from Toolkit (and DataGrid) now support the .NET 5 Framework.

Xceed Zip for .NET and .NET Standard 7.0

  • Added ZippedFile.SetFullName() and ZippedFolder.SetFullName() methods which allow moving a file/folder instantly within the same archive.
  • Creating a new split zip archive no longer uses temporary files.

Xceed SFTP for .NET and .NET Standard 7.0

  • Added support for ssh-ecdsa-sha2-* private keys in PuTTYPrivateKeyFile class, allowing to login with ECDSA certificates.
  • Added AES Galois Counter Mode (aes128-gcm and aes256-gcm) encryption support.
  • Added support for elliptic curve Secp256k1 (ecdsa-sha2- in key exchange method and public key algorithm.
  • Added support for elliptic curve Nistp521 (ecdsa-sha2-nistp521) in key exchange method and public key algorithm.
  • SSHAlgorithmList.Reset() now accepts a list of algorithms to populate the list after clearing it.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Diffie Hellman elliptic curve” key exchange was not secure enough.
  • Fixed a bug where using elliptic curve public key algorithms to connect failed in certain situations.

Xceed Words para .NET 2.0

  • Xceed Words for .NET now supports the .NET 5 Framework.
  • Digital signatures can now be added to documents in the .NET Framework environment.
  • Signature lines can now be positioned in a document and many new methods are now available to retrieve/remove/add digital signatures or signature lines.
  • In PDF Conversion, a table with vertical and horizontal merged cells now correctly converts the merged cells to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables located in sdt tags now correctly converts to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting null text no longer throws an exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, setting the Table.AutoFit property to “Contents” now correctly sizes the width of each column based on its content.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with more than one table header now convert to PDF with the corresponding table headers.
  • In PDF Conversion, using AutoFitContent to set the table’s column width now correctly auto-fits the content of cells.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the Table of Contents exceeds the page’s length, the remaining content is now rendered on the following pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a Table of Contents is not visible, the conversion no longer throws a Null Ref exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a Table of Contents is not visible, the saving no longer throws a Null Ref exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, a paragraph containing many images displayed on multiple pages now converts to PDF with multiple pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, the Table of Contents now shows the correct page numbers when some referenced paragraphs are positioned before the Table of Contents.
  • In PDF Conversion, the paragraph’s indentation is now automatically added when a paragraph from the Table of Contents does not specify any indentation but has an outlineLevel greater than 0.
  • In PDF Conversion, splitting a table on two pages with cells containing paragraph.KeepWithNextParagraph() now correctly splits the table on a row where paragraphs are not kept together.
  • In PDF Conversion, when Table of Contents paragraphs contain tabs, the resulting PDF document will contain valid tab spacings.
  • In PDF Conversion, the table now forces a split at the end of the page to prevent a StackOverflow exception when a big multi-rows table have all its rows but that they cannot be split on multiple pages (or when all the table’s paragraphs have a KeepWithNext set to true).
  • In PDF Conversion, a table following a paragraph with a KeepWithNext set to true now keeps the paragraph and the table on the same page in the resulting PDF document.
  • In PDF Conversion, when font sizes are not whole or half values, the result is rounded to the next whole value, preventing font size exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, for tables, OutOfRange exceptions are no longer thrown when mixing row span and vertical merged cells.
  • In PDF Conversion, Table of Contents elements no longer include end of lines characters from text.
  • In PDF Conversion, Section.MarginFooter value is now used to position the footer content in the footer.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a section starts with a table followed by keepWithNext paragraphs, the resulting PDF document no longer redraws the table until it finds a non-keepWithNext paragraph.
  • In PDF Conversion, using a document with custom properties of type bool where values are “0” or “1” no longer throws an exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, if Table of Contents paragraphs are based on non-English heading style names, assertion warnings are no longer raised and the based on styles are used until finding a known style name.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables that contain multi-header rows and span on multiple pages now display all the header rows on the extra pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with multi-heading rows splitting on two pages now display all the heading rows on the second page.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables spanned on multiple pages no longer overlap page numbers in the footer.
  • In PDF Conversion, superscript characters no longer appear too small.
  • In PDF Conversion, exceptions are no longer thrown when Pictures are grouped.
  • In PDF Conversion, headers containing a wrapped behind text object now display the main document content behind this object.
  • In PDF Conversion, a StackOverflow exception is not raised anymore when a cell extends over two pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, using a Table of Contents with the “o” switch now only displays the valid headings in the Table of Contents.
  • In Document, a new method, GetPageCount(), is now available to retrieve the number of pages in the document. Note that this feature is currently experimental.
  • In Document, new methods and objects are now available to append footnotes/endnotes to paragraphs. These footnotes/endnotes can contain strings/Pictures/Hyperlinks/Tables.
  • In Document, loading a docx or stream containing external entities is no longer supported. This prevents from working with vulnerable documents.
  • In Document, the text hyphenation will now be automatically updated when its hyphenation object properties are modified.
  • In Document, calling a Save() or a ConvertToPdf() now displays a watermark in the output document when using a trial license.
  • In Paragraph, removing Bookmarks when the bookmarkStart is included in a paragraph but the bookmarkEnd is not, now removes the bookmark from the paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, calling the InsertText method no longer parses the whole document to update ids when this action is not necessary. This improves performance when many text insertions are needed.
  • In Paragraph, replacing text with regexMatchHandler and formatting no longer throws an exception because the index is too high.
  • In Paragraph, the method InsertParagraphBeforeSelf(Paragraph) now returns a new instance of the newly created paragraph.
  • In Chart, multiple charts included in one chart are now detected.
  • In Chart, the Chart.Save method now correctly saves the changes to charts using two Y-Axis.
  • In Chart Axis, the Title property can now be used to get/set the axis’ title.
  • In List, the ListOptions property can now be used to modify the numbering of the list’s sub-levels.
  • In List, the ListOptions property can now be used to get/set the list configuration, including the list type, the list modification tracking and the list levels configuration.
  • In Chart, List, Shape and Image, a new Remove method is now available to remove the element from the document.
  • In Picture, using MS Word 2007 to open a document containing pictures now correctly opens the document.
  • In Table, merging multiple cells from a row now updates the resulting cell’s width.
  • In CustomProperties, updating split custom properties now correctly updates the properties.

Xceed PDF Creator for .NET 2.0

  • Xceed PDF Creator for .NET now supports the .NET 5 Framework.
  • Tables located in sdt tags are now correctly saved.
  • Tables with more than one table header now save with the corresponding table headers.
  • Tables that contain multi-header rows and span on multiple pages now display all the header rows on the extra pages.
  • Tables with multi-heading rows splitting on two pages now display all the heading rows on the second page.
  • Tables spanned on multiple pages no longer overlap page numbers in the footer.
  • A table with vertical and horizontal merged cells now correctly saves the merged cells.
  • A table following a paragraph with a KeepWithNext set to true now keeps the paragraph and the table on the same page in the resulting PDF document.
  • A paragraph containing many images displayed on multiple pages now saves to PDF with multiple pages.
  • A StackOverflow exception is not raised anymore when a cell extends over two pages.
  • Headers containing a wrapped behind text object now display the main document content behind this object.
  • Exceptions are no longer thrown when Pictures are grouped.
  • Superscript characters no longer appear too small.
  • Table of Contents elements no longer include end of lines characters from text.
  • If Table of Contents paragraphs are based on non-English heading style names, assertion warnings are no longer raised and the based on styles are used until finding a known style name.
  • Section.MarginFooter value is now used to position the footer content in the footer.
  • Using custom properties of type bool where values are “0” or “1” no longer throws an exception.
  • Using a Table of Contents with the “o” switch now only displays the valid headings in the Table of Contents.
  • Saving null text no longer throws an exception.
  • Setting the Table.AutoFit property to “Contents” now correctly sizes the width of each column based on its content.
  • Splitting a table on two pages with cells containing paragraph.KeepWithNextParagraph() now correctly splits the table on a row where paragraphs are not kept together.
  • When a section starts with a table followed by keepWithNext paragraphs, the resulting PDF document no longer redraws the table until it finds a non-keepWithNext paragraph.
  • When font sizes are not whole or half values, the result is rounded to the next whole value, preventing font size exception.
  • When a big multi-rows table have all its rows and they cannott be split on multiple pages (or when all the table’s paragraphs have a KeepWithNext set to true), the table now forces a split at the end of the page to prevent a StackOverflow exception.
  • When Table of Contents paragraphs contain tabs, the resulting PDF document will contain valid tab spacings.
  • When the Table of Contents exceeds the page’s length, the remaining content is now rendered on the following pages.
  • When a paragraph from the Table of Contents does not specify any indentation but has an outlineLevel greater than 0, the paragraph’s indentation is now automatically added.
  • When some referenced paragraphs are positioned before the Table of Contents, the Table of Contents now shows the correct page numbers.
  • When using Tables with AutoFitContent to set the table’s column width, the width now correctly auto-fits the content of cells.
  • When using a trial license, calling a Save() now displays a watermark in the output document.
  • For tables, OutOfRange exceptions are no longer thrown when mixing row span and vertical merged cells.
  • In Paragraph, removing Bookmarks when the bookmarkStart is included in a paragraph but the bookmarkEnd is not now removes the bookmark from the paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, calling the InsertText method no longer parses the whole document to update ids when this action is not necessary. This improves performance when many text insertions are needed.
  • In Paragraph, replacing text with regexMatchHandler and formatting no longer throws an exception because the index is too high.
  • In Paragraph, the method InsertParagraphBeforeSelf(Paragraph) now returns a new instance of the newly created paragraph.
  • In Document, a new method, GetPageCount(), is now available to retrieve the number of pages in the document. Note that this feature is currently experimental.
  • In Document, the text hyphenation will now be automatically updated when its hyphenation object properties are modified.
  • In List, the ListOptions property can now be used to modify the numbering of the list’s sub-levels.
  • In List, the ListOptions property can now be used to get/set the list configuration, including the list type, the list modification tracking and the list levels configuration.
  • In Chart, multiple charts included in one chart are now detected.
  • In Chart, the Chart.Save method now correctly saves the changes to charts using two Y-Axis.
  • In Chart, List, Shape and Image, a new Remove method is now available to remove the element from the document.
  • In Chart Axis, the Title property can now be used to get/set the axis’ title.
  • In Table, merging multiple cells from a row now updates the resulting cell’s width.
  • In CustomProperties, updating split custom properties now correctly updates the properties.