Xceed Zip para .NET y Xceed Zip for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130
- Self-extractor: It is now possible for the ExecuteAfter property to run a program as administrator (with prompt) even if the self-extracting archive itself is not. (.NET Only)
- Self-extractor: It is now possible to specify an error message for when the ExecuteAfter property is unable to start an application. (.NET Only)
- Self-extractor: A new macro, , is now available for error messages. It specifies a description string for the error. The description string is not configurable and in English only. (.NET Only)
- FileSystem: Added a way to clone a NameFilter object’s masks but assign a new FilterScope for use in complex filters. Added documentation that shows how to perform filtering that selects files or folders including or excluding sub folders.
Xceed Ftp for .NET y Xceed Ftp for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130
- Interoperability improvement: now automatically uses FTP server’s IP address when PASV returns an unroutable address.
Xceed Real-Time Zip for .NET y Xceed Real-Time Zip for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130
- Added an improved code example on how to use Real-Time Zip to create nested archives that can be accessed efficiently by other like Zip.NET.
Xceed SFTP para .NET y Xceed SFTP for Xamarin 6.8.20412.20130
- Interoperability improvement: Added new key exchange methods: diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group15-sha512, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512.
- Added documentation that shows how to chain multiple authentication methods together.
Xceed Words para .NET 1.7.20371.21580
- In Bookmark, a Formatting parameter is now available for the method Bookmark.SetText() and Paragraph.ReplaceAtBookmark() to format the bookmark text.
- In Bookmark, appending pictures no longer throws NullRefException.
- In Bookmark, calling the SetText method no longer copies the new text multiple times when the bookmark’s paragraph contains multiple runs.
- In Chart, modifying the value of a series containing a specific formatting now keeps the formatting after the modification.
- In Chart, retrieving the Chart series values no longer throw a NullRefException.
- In Document, joining 2 documents now gives the opportunity to choose the headers/footers of doc1, doc2 or both of them in the resulting document.
- In Document, replacing a text preceding a column break no longer keeps the original text in the resulting document.
- In Document, merging documents no longer creates duplicates of the same styles in the resulting document.
- In Document, merging documents with images no longer creates a System.IO.IOException.
- In Document, adding custom properties with formatting is now possible.
- In Document, when no “docDefaults” are defined or when table columns’s width are not defined, the document now correctly loads.
- In Document, the new method InsertCaptionAfterSelf() is now available to add a caption text under a picture, table or paragraph.
- In List, creating a bulleted list in a loaded document no longer creates a numbered list.
- In Paragraph, using InsertPageNumber(), AppendPageNumber(), InsertPageCount() or AppendPageCount() now correctly formats the number based on the current paragraph format.
- In Paragraph, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead. Also, the new method Document.GetParagraphStyleIdFromStyleName can now be used to retrieve a Paragraph StyleId from a style name. Finally, in Formatting, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead.
- In Paragraph, creating a picture now uses its dpi resolution so that the image is converted to 72 dpi, as wanted by MS Word.
- In PDF Conversion, the footer no longer appears too high in the page.
- In PDF Conversion, when the text do not have a specified font, the conversion now uses the docx default font instead of the Calibri font.
- In PDF Conversion, the PDF table’s rows heights now matches the MS Word table’s rows heights.
- In PDF Conversion, using a negative indentation now converts the text to PDF without clipping.
- In PDF Conversion, converting many images to PDF no longer creates an out of memory exception.
- In PDF Conversion, when many big consecutive tables needs to split on many pages, the resulting PDF document now contains all the tables rows.
- In Picture, the new property Hyperlink can now be used to get/set an Hyperlink on a Picture.
- In Picture, creating a picture with big dimensions no longer creates a corrupted output document.
- In Section, it is now possible to insert a section between other sections.
- In Table, adding a an inner table after a cell’s paragraph with the InsertTableAfterSelf method, no longer creates a corrupted output document.
- In Table cell, inserting a table no longer creates a corrupted output document.
- In TableOfContents, it is now possible to add parameters to table of content switches through the Document.InsertTableOfContents methods.
Xceed PDF Creator for .NET 1.7.20371.21580
- In Bookmark, a Formatting parameter is now available for the method Bookmark.SetText() and Paragraph.ReplaceAtBookmark() to format the bookmark text.
- In Bookmark, appending pictures no longer throws NullRefException.
- In Bookmark, calling the SetText method no longer copies the new text multiple times when the bookmark’s paragraph contains multiple runs.
- In Chart, retrieving the Chart series values no longer throw a NullRefException.
- In Document, joining 2 documents now gives the opportunity to choose the headers/footers of doc1, doc2 or both of them in the resulting document.
- In Document, replacing a text preceding a column break no longer keeps the original text in the resulting document.
- In Document, merging documents with images no longer creates a System.IO.IOException.
- In Document, adding custom properties with formatting is now possible.
- In Document, the new method InsertCaptionAfterSelf() is now available to add a caption text under a picture, table or paragraph.
- In Paragraph, using InsertPageNumber(), AppendPageNumber(), InsertPageCount() or AppendPageCount() now correctly formats the number based on the current paragraph format.
- In Paragraph, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead. Also, the new method GetStyleIdFromStyleName can now be used to retrieve a Paragraph StyleId from a style name. Finally, in Formatting, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead.
- In Paragraph, creating a picture now uses its dpi resolution.
- In Picture, creating a picture with big dimensions no longer creates a corrupted output document.
- In Picture, the new property Hyperlink can now be used to get/set an Hyperlink on a Picture.
- In Section, it is now possible to insert a section between other sections.
- In Table cell, inserting a table no longer creates a corrupted output document.
- In TableOfContents, it is now possible to add parameters to table of content switches through the Document.InsertTableOfContents methods.
- Saving many images no longer creates an out of memory exception.
- The footer no longer appears too high in the page.
- The table’s rows heights have been reviewed to include cells paddings and borders height.
- Using a negative indentation now saves the text to PDF without clipping.
- When the text do not have a specified font, the default font is used instead of the Calibri font.
- When many big consecutive tables needs to split on many pages, the resulting document now contains all the tables rows.
Xceed Toolkit Plus para WPF 4.0.20417.14530
- All controls now support the High Contrast mode when loading the application while in High Contrast mode.
- In all Controls and samples, the licensing comments have been updated.
- In AvalonDock, a new event “ToggledPin” is now raised when a LayoutContent is pinned/unpinned.
- In AvalonDock, pinning an auto-hide LayoutAnchorable now pins it on the appropriate side depending on its position in the children list.
- In AvalonDock, creating and dropping a LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow now updates the remaining star sized LayoutElements.
- In AvalonDock, resizing a star sized LayoutElement, which is part of a multi star sized pane, now keeps the proportional values.
- In AvalonDock, closing all floating windows now brings the focus back to the window containing the DockingManager.
- In AvalonDock, the “X” button on a LayoutAcnhorableFloatingWindow now displays an “Hide All” tooltip, letting users know that all the floating LayoutAnchorables will be hidden on a click.
- In AvalonDock, the method DockingManager.ShowNavigatorWindow is now “protected internal virtual”, so it can be overriden in a derived DockingManager.
- In AvalonDock, default texts are now localized for Japanese language.
- In AvalonDock, Dynamically adding LayoutDocuments/LayoutAnchorables now displays the content of the newly added LayoutContent.
- In AvalonDock, clicking on a label with a shortcut key no longer throws an InvalidCastException.
- In AvalonDock, calling Float, Hide, Show and Dock (in that order) on a LayoutAnchorable now docks the LayoutAnchorable in the expected container.
- In AvalonDock, hiding floating windows and reloading the layout no longer remove the focus from the DockingManager.
- In AvalonDock, using the CacheDocumentTabItems/CacheAnchorableTabItems properties no longer creates a loading delay or removes the vertical scrollbar. Same thing in the ExtendedTabControl when using the CacheTabItems property.
- In AvalonDock with Metro Dark accent theme, the resize splitter now uses a light color while dragging.
- In Chart, DataPoints with NaN coordinates can now be passed to a LineLayout series. These DataPoints won’t be rendered in the chart, creating gaps between the valid DataPoints connections.
- In CheckComboBox/CheckListBox, using a ValueMemberPath containing many parts (propA.propB.propC) now correctly updates the SelectedValue property. It also displays the first item selected in the TextBlock.
- In CollectionControlDialog, using objects with cycling dependencies no longer throws StackOverflow exceptions.
- In DateTimePicker, modifying the Value property more than once in code-behind (with different times) no longer keep the old time.
- In DateTimePicker, DateTimeUpDown and TimePicker, when AllowTextInput is true, the “+” and “-” keys from the NumPad no longer increment/decrement the current value.
- In DropDownButton and SplitButton, clicking on the arrow button when the popup is opened now closes the popup.
- In Magnifier, setting the IsEnabled property to false now disables the Magnifier.
- In MaterialHamburger, showing and hiding the MaterialHamburgerMenu contained in a UIElement, no longer clips the UIElement.
- In MaterialHamburgerMenu with themes, a vertical scrollbar now appears when its content do not fit in the available space.
- In MultiLineTextEditor, the default content is now a TextBlock, binding to the Text property with Text ellipsis.
- In MultiLineTextEditor, disabling the control now grays out the text content.
- In PropertyGrid, the PropertyItem’s red invalid border is now displayed when a property is set to an invalid value from code-behind.
- In RichTextBox, highlighting different portions of the text now displays the RichTextBoxFormatBar with the corresponding values.
- In ToggleSwitch and MaterialSwitch, the IsChecked property can now accept the null value, along with the usual true/false values.
- In TokenizedTextBox, new overridable callbacks are now available(OnFilteredItemsChanged & OnCoerceFilteredItems) to manage the filtered items to be displayed in the popup.
- In Wizard, when using a ShowDialog Window containing a Wizard, pressing the Wizard’s cancel button and canceling the “cancel process” now only raises one OnClosing event.